Sunday, February 16, 2014

Recipes or recipe sites for a picky eater?


My husband is a very very picky eater. He loathes eating chicken, lasagna, strawberries, tomatoes and tomato products that taste strongly of tomatoes, cucumbers, raviolis, fish products (excluding tuna), melons, pot roasts, and stews. He eats fruits and vegetables but only if they're corn on the cob and raspberries. He also almost always refuses water instead opting for chocolate milk, kool-aid, or soda.
I, on the other hand, love just about anything excluding fish products (excluding tuna) and raviolis.

Recently we had a child and I don't want to sit by any longer and eat such unhealthy foods. Dinners usually consist of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hamburgers and fries, spaghetti, and Hamburger Helpers. Ugh. I'm desperate for something different and HEALTHY. But unfortunately we're on a strict budget of no more than $100 every two weeks for dinners and lunches.

Does anyone know of any sites or recipes that offer affordable and delicious meals for people as picky as my husband? Preferably some with vegetables and baked food because, honestly, I'm not afraid of bullying my husband into eating what's good for him. Anything will work though.

Please no spam links or rude comments.

There are many different websites full of recipes on the internet. I think you may just have to search through a few until you find something suitable.
I find this website quite easy to navigate and use as you can search for specific ingredients:
This is also a good website for recipes:
Also, often parenting websites have some good recipes for picky eaters as lots of kids are quite picky so you may want to check a few of those out, e.g.

Good luck!

Healthy Lunch Ideas Help?


I've making a diet for myself and i need Healthy Lunch ideas.

Base your lunch on a health wholegrain carbohydrate. You could have a wholemeal sandwich, wrap, bun or pitta. If you're not a fan of breads, then you could also have a salad made from brown rice, wholemeal pasta or other wholegrain foods such as quinoa.
Remember to add plenty of veg to your sandwich/salad as well as a piece of fruit on the side.
Some low fat cheese would taste great with the salad/sandwich, or have a low-fat/fat-free yogurt with the fruit.
Have some seafood (e.g. tuna, salmon, prawn) or lean meat (e.g. chicken breast) with the sandwich/salad to add some healthy protein.

Here are a few recipes to check out:

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