Monday, January 20, 2014

What is a healthy breakfast,lunch,dinner?

healthy turkey meatball sandwich recipes
 on Healthy Ground Turkey Recipes | Eating Well
healthy turkey meatball sandwich recipes image


I need some suggestions,I am 13 and need to loose 20 pounds.
I want to eat about 2000 calories at the most,along with excersize.If you could just reccomend some foods that would be great!

What you need is a simple plan. Here it is, in just two parts: (1) Make a little more time to run; (2) Concentrate on a handful of dietary changes that, over the course of a year, can produce significant weight-loss results.

Don't skip breakfast. A good breakfast is the most crucial part of any healthy weight-loss effort, as it revs up your energy level and metabolism for the full day.

Homemade raisin bran
Description: Mix one cup of Total cereal, a packet of raisins, and 1 cup nonfat milk. This simple home recipe with 244 calories fortifies you with 100 percent of the Daily Value for most vitamins and minerals, boosts your protein intake by 12 grams, and gives you a sweet, natural fiber and sugar source.

Balanced Diet Shake
Description: For something cool, tasty, and nutrient-filled in the morning, try a shake or smoothie. The Balanced Diet nutritional drink provides 180 calories with lots of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals in a naturally flavored French vanilla or chocolate royale. Each serving includes 5 grams of dietary fiber and 10 grams of soy, or 40 percent of the daily minimum now recommended by the American Heart Association.

Lunch is the second-most-important meal of the day in your weight-loss plan. It boosts your energy level and regulates your metabolism to keep you on an even keel.

Alvarado Street sprouted wheat tortilla
Description: It's easy to make your own delicious wrap and save hundreds of calories. With this tasty, organic, whole-wheat tortilla you'll have no trouble fixing a quick, hearty lunch. Boost your vitamin and mineral intake by loading on a handful of greens, shredded carrots, tomato, and peppers along with grilled chicken, lean meat, turkey, or a bean-based filler.

Subway roast beef sub sandwich
Description: Can't live without meat? You don't have to. Meat is a great source of protein, iron, and several important minerals, and the Subway lean 6-inch roast beef sub contains just 264 calories and 4.5 grams of fat in a meal perfectly balanced with lettuce, tomato, and vegetables.
You'll Save: Nearly 100 calories and 12 grams of fat compared with a tuna salad sub, and more than 20 grams of fat compared with the classic meatball sub.

Tossed salad with croutons instead of salad dressing.
Description: You know that green salads make an important contribution to your day's eating, but you've probably never thought of them as an expression of art and adventure. Here's your chance. Instead of drenching your salads in high-fat dressings, decorate them with croutons, beans, or fruit.

A satisfying dinner will help you avoid a late-night pigout. The best dinners are high in complex carbohydrates, and low in fat. The carbohydrates will help you sleep better, and also fuel your morning workout.

Spaghetti squash
Description: When prepared, the spaghetti squash actually resembles a plate of spaghetti, so you can add all your favorite sauces and toppings. Rich in fluids (about 92.3 percent water), carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, and pantothenic acid (a B vitamin), spaghetti squash makes an ideal, low-calorie entre that's still filling.

Papadini, hi-protein, pure-lentil bean pasta
Description: This delicious, wheat- and gluten-free pasta has a unique, appealing taste, and shouldn't trouble runners whose stomachs are sensitive to regular pastas. It also has 5 more grams of protein per serving than traditional pasta, and is richer in iron, folic acid, and other B-vitamins necessary for metabolizing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy. When you prepare Papadini pasta as a vegetable primavera, tossed with peas, beans carrots, tomatoes, and corn, you get as much protein as a chicken or steak dinner without the excess fat, cholesterol, and calories.

Should I become a Vegetarian?


I don't really eat meat, I eat turkey on occasion but I am willing to give it up. I heard that vegetarians are naturally happier and healthier and I was just wondering what all the perks are of being a vegetarian. This might also help me convince my parents into supporting my decision in this, they don't think that it would be good for me and because they eat a lot of meat. My family and I are complete opposites with things like this and I think this would be good for me.

Going Vegetarian is only up to you, but I highly recommend it. It's better for our health, despite what some people may say about it. Vegetarians are now actually going to be given cheaper health insurance from some life insurance companies as they are less likely to get diseases that some meat eaters get. You can read more about this on this article.

By going Vegetarian, not only are you helping your health, you are helping the environment and you are not showing that you believe in the slaughter of animals. Another fact - 'If everyone went vegetarian up to 90% of land used for animal farming could be taken out of production & used to replant woodlands, leisure activities etc.' Here is another fact that I just read. 'Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250,000,000 people while in the world 30,000,000 people die of starvation.' That is just ridiculous. There are just so many reasons why people should go Vegetarian, there are great benefits from it in all different areas. My reasons for why I believe people should go Vegetarian isn't because I'm biased, it's because it actually has good benefits which some people are unaware of. Here is a good website with facts on it about why people should go Vegetarian.

Now onto Vegetarian food. There are so many choices and so many different sorts of meat replacements. Some that taste like meat and some that don't. (They try and cater for all people's needs). One of my favourite Vegetarian food brands is Quorn. They also use free range eggs in all of their food. They have a wide selection of meat free food like Sausages, burgers, meatballs, mince, etc. They even do packaged fake meat for sandwiches. The list is endless. Have a look at their website and brose through their selection of foods and recipes.

As a Vegetarian, I honestly feel happier and healthier in myself. I kinda feel pure in a strange way and I don't feel guilty about my dietary choices and it has definitely boosted my immune system. When I used to be a meat eater, I used to get sick quite a lot and I used to get many colds. I don't remember the last

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