Friday, January 24, 2014

What foods/recipes are good for pregnant woman?

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 on 10 Healthy Recipes For Kids - Healthy Recipe Ideas For A Fast Food ...
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This is my 2nd pregnancy. Last time around I had a rough time at the end of the pregnancy. So I am trying to eat healthier. I am so used to eating mcdonalds though( I work there, so its free) that I can't really remember how to cook and prepare meals. I don't want this kid to be unhealthy so I would like him to get as much healthy food as I can get.
I don't care much for onions & mushrooms.
Anything is appreciated(:

There is no special diet and recipes for a pregnancy. You should eat a healthy diet that gives all the nutrients to help your baby develop and grow.

Remember that the food you eat is the main source of energy for your baby growing inside. A pregnant women should know that she is not only responsible for herself, but also for the unborn child inside her. The child's physical and mental development after birth will have a influence of anything seen, thoughts and the food eaten by the pregnant woman.

1.There is no special diet for a pregnant women, but eating a healthy balanced diet that gives all the nutrients for your baby to develop and grow is recommended.

2.For the first 3 months, the diet of a pregnant woman should include food rich in iron, folic acid and foods high in calcium. You may take iron and folic acid tablets if you are pregnant or lactating.

3.Folic Acid & Birth Defects
Women should get enough folic acid from their diet before and during the pregnancy to prevent major birth defects involving baby's brain or spine, according to Canadian researcher Louise Pilote of McGill University, Montreal as reported in the British Medical Journal, May 2009.
A cup of Brussels sprouts supplies 93.6 mg of folic acid. Brussels sprouts recipe

4.Fortifying flour products with folic acid may cut the number of babies born with congenital heart disease, the most common of all birth defects.

5.In the next 3 month (i.e.3 to 6 month pregnancy), the woman needs extra protein and calcium. Look for foods with high protein.

6.Pregnancy & Weight Gain
Most women gain between 10-15 kgs, but too much weight gain should be avoided. However, the weight gain during pregnancy will vary according to your pre-pregnancy weight. According to the experts, an overweight woman is advised to gain only 7 kg (15 pounds) and an underweight woman to gain up to 18 kg (40 pounds).
7.Do Not Eat For Two
Many pregnant women wrongly think that they should eat for two. Note that you need only 200-300 extra calories daily in pregnancy, i.e. a cup of reduced fat milk or yogurt and a medium orange. This is because your body actually absorbs more nutrients from food you eat during pregnancy.
Researcher Alison Stuebeworking at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston found that pregnant women should avoid eating for two since too much weight gain is linked with complications at birth. Pregnant women who eat fried foods and dairy products and food for two are more likely to gain as much as 35 pounds. Women with vegetarian diets and eating more monounsaturated fat found in olive oil and nuts in early pregnancy are half as likely to gain an unhealthy amount of weight.

If you MUST eat at McDonald's, make healthier choices. Salads, fruits, and sandwich wraps, as opposed to a big Mac and fries is in your best interest.

For simple, healthy recipes to make at home, go to this link

How many chicken nuggets would you estimate your child eats in one week?


I am a preschool teacher who serves countless chicken nuggets to children on a weekly basis. Increasingly, I am bothered by the lack of variety in children's diets. Now, I am taking an anonymous poll for a statistics class I am in. So tell me, what does your child eat?

I have three kids, and of course they have different tastes. I'll sum up what each of them eats:

My 9 year old daughter eats most things you'd expect a kid to like. She doesn't like anything remotely spicy (tacos, burritos), anything with tomatoes, onions, green or red peppers. She'll eat a few veggies but doesn't like green beans or cauliflower. She likes fresh fruit and will not eat canned, except pineapples. I dinner she'd love would be meatloaf, broccoli, and sliced canteloup. She doesn't really like chicken nuggets but will eat them if I make them for lunch.

My 5 year old son will eat almost anything. He likes chicken nuggets just fine, but since he'll happily eat just about anything else, I don't usually give them to him. This kid loves sushi and will only eat a turkey sandwich if it has spicy brown mustard on it. Even though he'll eat whatever I put in front of him, he doesn't eat a lot of junk because I like to cook good meals. We usually have fresh fruit with meals too.

Now, my 3 year old son. He's the challenge! This is the kid who DOES eat chicken nuggets on almost a daily basis because it's one of the few things he will eat. Not just any chicken nuggets--dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets. He won't eat any other kind of meat. Once in a while he'll eat some roast chicken, but that's it. I think he likes this one particular type of chicken nugget because it doesn't have a lot of seasonings, so is pretty bland. He'll also eat cheese pizza, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, plain pasta, cereral, bread, American cheese slices, and most "snack" foods like crackers and pretzels. He will not eat any veggies at all or any canned fruit. He'll eat apples, pears, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, and raspberries. He's the main reason we eat so much fresh fruit! His favorite meal is chicken nuggets, sliced strawberries, and cheese. We always have milk with meals. Soda is only for parties, juice boxes are for school snack, and between meals or with snacks, the kids have water.

Usually I plan meals around what my two oldest kids will eat, and give my youngest something else if it's not on his list of approved foods. I don't try to make him eat anything he doesn't like, but do encourage him to try things. He will take a little bite, and genuinely seems to not like anything else. He has actually improved a lot--when he was about a year old, he would literally eat nothing except bread and cheese. No fruits, no veggies, no meats at all. I figure, if he continues to gradually branch out, he'll probably have a normal diet by the time he's grown up. ;)

I used to work in a daycare center, and the menu repeated every three weeks. It wasn't bad, but a lot of the food was so processed. Mostly canned vegetables and fruits, frozen pizzas and chicken nuggets, pasta with too much butter on it, white bread instead of whole grain, etc. My daughter is the only of our kids to have lunch at school, and most days she packs a lunch. Even things she will eat at home, she doesn't like at school. It must be hard to feed hundreds of kids at once, fit in fresh produce that can go bad quickly, or spend extra money on healthier choices, and then prepare mass amounts of food in an appetizing manner.

Also, I'd keep in mind that just because the kids don't eat a lot of variety at school, doesn't mean they don't have variety at home. If the lunches you serve at the preschool are brought from home, maybe you could gently encourage parents to send in healthier items. Does the preschool have a monthly newsletter? If so, add an article about healthy school lunch ideas. Maybe feature a different "recipe" for each newsletter. If the preschool provides the lunches, you're restricted by state nutrition guidelines, budget, and ease of preparation. I have heard that some schools partner with local farms to provide fresh, local produce for school meals. You could look into something like that. Is there space on the school grounds for a small garden? Or space in the classroom for a container garden? The kids could help grow some plants and then make a snack from the resulting vegetables. The kids will learn something new, and probably end up trying something new as well. Good luck!

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