Sunday, September 8, 2013

What is a good meal plan( breakfast, lunch, dinner) for a teen losing weighf?

amazing healthy sandwich recipes
 on Recipes Lunch
amazing healthy sandwich recipes image


can you give me examples of meals? i eat 1200-1300 calories a day. include one healthy snack and if they are recipes include how to make them

Breakfest- Skip the sugary cereals and pancakes. Greek yogurt is an amazing breakfest. And a bunch of people will complain about protien bars being actually bad for you but the Zone Cookie Dough bars are amazing and keep you fill.
Lunch- If you want a sandwich, find bread that has fiber in it. Whole wheat doesnt mean anything but the fiber will keep you fill longer. Look for low fat lean lunch meats. If your deli has lunch meats, those are amazing. Skip the mayo.. try italian dressing instead. Make sure to eat 1-2 vegetable servings. Carrots and brocolli are easy. If you have to have dressing do the light dressings. check out ur grocery store and look for lowest calorie/fat contents.
Dinner-Well grilled chicken with different low cal sauces. Again make sure you have your vegetables. My favorite cookbook is Hungry Girl. It has amazing low cal/fat meals that taste just as good as the high calorie equivalents.
The main thing with losing weight is portion control. Let yourself eat the occasional candy bar or bag of chips but limit yourself. that why you won't splurge and overeat. Don't totally cut yourself off.
Also frozen yogurt is a great alternative to ice cream. If you want ice cream, go for slow churned from the grocery store or soft serve.
Also, try freezing your grapes. Literally put them in your freezer. Just take them out let them thaw for a minute or two and eat them. So yummy, perfect summer treat. Put some light whip cream with fruit for a healthy dessert.
Also popcorn (not the movies kind) is such a low cal snack. either microwave or Skinny Pop is the way to go.

How to get protein without eating meat?



I've recently decided to become a vegetarian and was wondering what foods I could eat that are a good source of protein. Unfortunately, I am extremely picky and don't like beans and am to scared to try the 'fake' meats lol. Also, if you could include some meals that are and some meals that are not pasta (my mom says that I eat to much pasta lol).

Please, any idea's would be useful !

I love pasta with cheese sauces and cheese and potatoes if that helps !

It is great that you are experimenting with your diet and it seems like you are searching for the right foods for you which is fantastic. As for vegetarian protein here are some options:

1) Beans: I would give them a try. It is a very healthy staple as a vegetarian. There are so many varieties that vary so much in taste.

2) Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts (black)

3) Grains: Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Oatmeal, Quinoa (very high source), Rye, Wheat germ, Wheat, hard red, Wild rice

4) Soy: Tofu, Edamame

I am not sure if you cook but if so here is a great sight for high protein recipes:

If you want quick easy meals: Amy's veggie burgers are pretty good, you can add veggies to your sandwich or crumble it over salad, I don't know if a store near you sells Sunshine burgers but they are amazing too! My staple lunch/dinner is tortillas with veggies, nuts/seeds, beans/tofu and some spread/sauce (olive oil, pesto, hummus, avocado etc). I either make it into a burrito/wrap or use the tortilla as a pizza crust. Hope this helps!

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