Saturday, September 7, 2013

calling all "health food mums"!!!!! please i need your serious help! ?

healthy veg sandwich recipes for kids
 on Roasted Vegetable Sandwiches
healthy veg sandwich recipes for kids image


ok so long story short i have two daughters aged almost 3 and 4 months old. i also have my partner.
we lived with my in laws until 3 months ago and now we're finally living on our own.
the only problem is my partner is very into junk food, he doesn'y care if its healthy and terrible he just wants it to taste good - because thats pretty much how he was raised. well now my daughter is the same (my mother in law gave her chocolate at 5 months old!!!) finally i am out of that house and i can really put my foot down now (i know i should of a long time ago)
but i desperately want to start my toddler eating well (she has always had veggies with her dinner and fruit snacks but people also gave her lots of chocolate and chips and fizzy drinks etc)
well now she is pretty "addicted" to junk food.
what are some good recipe ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks that i can start giving her.
im hoping that if i just cut it all out she will hate it at first but then just get over it as i know she wont starve herself.
so what foods do you give your kids? do you also give them any supplements? etc etc
as much advice as possible would be great thanks. i just want to fix the massive mistake i've made :(
when i said fruit snacks i meant an actual peice of fruit cut up
and she can still have it on special occasions but at the moment she has it ALL the time

Well... I can see your frustration...Solids are usually introduced at 5 - 6 months and start with rice cereal, vegies etc - not chocolate LOL

I think your taking the right approach - sure "treats" at special occassions (birthdays, holidays etc) but typically on a day to day basis stick with the basics (which in your daughter's case will feel like going cold turkey!) .... not having it in the house will help!

So - BREAKFAST - Cereal (try something with little or minimal sugar - don't say anything - just put it in front of her - she will get use to the non-sugar taste!)... and egg on toast.... yoghurt with berries or banana and a sprinkle of muesli, toasted fruit bagel (occassionally)

SNACK - fruit (apple, banana - eg sliced fruit), crisp biscuits & cheese, carrot with cream cheese dip

LUNCH - sandwich, wrap, bagel with fillings such as cheese, lettuce & carrot, carrot and cream, chicken and avocado, cheese, tuna etc, soup - add some pasta to it to make it more like a meal
A favourite for my kids is chicken sticks (basically honey soy chicken on a stick) or california style sushi rolls (with tuna, avocado, or chicken in them)
Left over's from the previous nights dinner - bolognaise and noodles is always a hit in winter or an egg on toast!

SNACK - Make it fun - bake mini cupcakes or little muffins (they are only small and she will feel like it is a treat - they freeze really well), Anzac style cookies, fruit - dried fruit such as apricots or sultanas are a nice healthy sweet treat

DINNER - meat and veg (eg roast chicken with potatoes, pumpkin, corn and broccoli) - fish and rice - pasta etc

DESSERT - fruit and yoghurt or freeze some fruit juice ice blocks as a "icy" treat

Stick with it - occassional treats are fine - but day to day I think your on the right track! Good Luck :)

What are some meals you make for your toddler?

mama <3

The past few weeks I have gotten a little lazy about making my daughter her meals. We have been so busy and she is getting a bit picky so I have just been sticking to the basics that I know she will eat rather than thinking up ways to incorporate many different foods like I have in the past. So she has been eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches (no jelly), cheese sticks, turkey sandwiches, cheerios, yogurt, strawberries, bananas, carrots, and green beans. I'm sure she's getting tired of the same plain foods so I'm looking for some healthy meal ideas that use different foods than what she has been eating lately.
Any ideas? What are your toddlers favorites?
I know that she can eat what we eat and usually for dinner she does. But I get up many hours before her in the morning and start housework or homework and I usually just grab a yogurt and banana for breakfast long before she is awake. She eats lunch at 1 then takes a nap and I like to wait for my husband to get home from work at 2 and eat lunch with him. For dinner we usually all eat the same things, but she eats dinner at 5 on the dot and if my husband and I had a big lunch or want some quiet time while we eat then we wait until after she is in bed at 7 to make dinner for ourselves. I know that she CAN eat what we are eating but its harder on me to wait until she is up in the morning to make breakfast or eat dinner at 5 when I won't be hungry for another few hours. I always sit with her at the table while she eats, I just don't always eat with her or what she is eating.

I don't have kids myself (yet), but have baby sat for years and have 2 nephews so here are somethings that I have fed toddlers:
*Pasta- Brown ground beef add jarred/canned or homemade sauce, and chop an onion into it, you can also add mushrooms, green peppers or olives depending you your family's likes & dislikes.
*Veggie Meatloaf- Much better than it sounds, I don't actually make it this way to be sneaky, its just how we like our meatloaf. I mince celery, onion, and carrots and mix with ground meat, egg, and breadcrumbs to make my meatloaf. Sometimes I top it with a ketchup and brown-sugar sauce and sometimes I don't.
*Soup- Chicken, noodles, broth, carrots, celery, and onions. (Sometimes corn too) Of course make sure that the noodle you choose are smaller in size and the veg & chicken are chopped to toddler sized bites.
*Pizza- Homemade of course, simple and quick & she can choose what goes on it to some extent.
Sneaky Mac N Cheese- This recipe calls for pureed Cauliflower in the Mac... google Jessica Seinfeld's recipe, its in her cookbook Deceptively Delicious.
*Eggs- You can do so much with eggs & in no time at all, and my whole family loves breakfast for dinner, try omletes, scrambles with veg mixed in, or a frittata.

Hope you can use some of these ideas or they at least generate a thought in you for something else you could make. Good Luck!

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