Friday, September 20, 2013

i would like to know how to loose weight and my belly fat from after having a baby?

healthy sandwich recipes for pregnant women
 on healthy low calorie sandwich recipes on Open Sandwiches ( Low Calorie ...
healthy sandwich recipes for pregnant women image



Adopt a healthier lifestyle and and you will often lose weight as a bonus. Learn strategies to help you look and feel better!

Calculate your daily energy output kJ. Looks complicated but isn't.

Women [655.1 + (9.56 x weight kilograms)+ (1.85 x height centremetres) - (4.68 x age years)] x 4.2
Men [664.7 + (13.75 x weight kilograms)+ (5 x height centremetres) - (6.76x age years)] x 4.2
Multiply the kJ amount by the following factor depending on your lifestyle: 1.2 = sedentary, 1.375 = lightly active (1-3 days a week exercise), 1.55 = moderately active 3 -5 days exercise or sport, 1.725 = very active hard exercise 6-7 days/week, 1.9 = extremely active hard daily exercise or sport or physical job.

Keep a food journal for a week or two. Write down all that you eat. Include snacks, cups of coffee, etc. - it all adds up. You may be surprised how much you are consuming in between meals.
Use the journal to help understand when it is you might eat foods that are high in kJ and find ways to cut them out and replace those items with healthier choices. For example, if you crave sugar in the afternoon replace sugary snacks with fresh fruit.
Work out what energy you are actually expending daily and find ways to increase your level of activity. You don't necessarily need to join a gym. Simple changes can add up. Try parking as far away from the shops as you can and walk in. Climb the stairs, rather than riding the elevator. Dance while you vacuum. Play actively with the kids instead of just watching TV.
Focus on attaining good health, rather than feeling deprived or "on a diet". Losing weight is frequently the result of living a healthier lifestyle
Try to stick to three meals a day. Breakfast - eg. high fibre cereal with low fat milk, lunch eg. wholemeal sandwich with lean filling OR a salad with no fat dressing, dinner eg. Protein (meat, fish or poultry - all lean cuts and skinless with lots of vegetables or salad and minimal amount (not necessarily no) carbohydrates. Healthy snacks are OK especially if they help you from getting so hungry that you eat foods you shouldn't.

A possible diet: a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast, a jelly sandwich with trans-fat free bread and an apple for lunch, salmon and green-beans for dinner. Snacks can include carrots, celery or a banana.
Find snacks that you love that are healthy, such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, and be sure to stock them in your pantry. Limit yourself to two snacks each day. If you crave more than two snacks, chomp on a piece of gum for a few hours.
Don't shop when you are hungry. Have a healthy snack and a glass of water before heading to the grocery store.
Increase your daily fibre intake. Pick whole meal bread, and whole grains (bulgar wheat, quinoa).
Try a daily walk. It is a great exercise for weight loss. You can go at your own pace. If you walk with a friend it is mentally uplifting to chat and support each other.
Add strength training to your exercise plan to build lean muscle. While aerobic exercise (like walking) helps burn calories, anaerobic (or strength-building) exercise can help boost your metabolism.
Add one or two extra vegetables to your evening meal that you would usually not eat. Try new recipes with unfamiliar ingredients to keep your eating plan interesting and fun.
Use non stick cookware or barbeque to limit oils and fats.
Go crazy with herbs and strong flavours to make your meals very tasty and satisfying - potentially you'll eat less.
Use a smaller plate.
Clear up left overs before sitting down to avoid second helpings
Drink lots of water 2 litres/day (approx. 64 oz). Drink a glass of water about 20 mins before dinner to help you feel full.
Put your knife and fork down instead of loading it up while you chew. Eating more slowly allows your body to be in time with your brain so that by the time you "feel" full you haven't already over eaten.
Avoid/limit alcohol (3-4 standard drinks/week)- it reduces you ability to lose fat as well as making it harder to resist temptation.
Measure your loss by how your clothes feel on you and only weigh yourself once every couple of weeks. Take your measurements once a month to judge your weight loss in inches as well as pounds.
Find a friend who wants to feel better too and use each other for support.
Listen to slow music while you eat. It's been proven to help you eat slower, which helps you lose weight.
Avoid processed foods. Anything that comes in a package is usually full of fats, sugars and salts. Know what you're eating in advance.

You should see a health professional before undertaking any diet or exercise plans.
There is NO safe way to lose weight fast. You should aim for lifestyle changes that support better eating and add some exercise that is suited to you personally, as prescribed by your doctor. Gradual weight loss is better and also tends to be longer lasting in most people.

Fat flush water? Anyone try it?



1 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves

I know it obviously doesn't "flush fat" (duh)

Has anyone tried it? Did it reduce bloating? Make you feel more energetic? Taste good (it does sound good!)?

What about adding ginger to it?


You supposedly drink 3 8ounce glasses a day for ten days straight.

Sounds like another one to those stupid Dr. Oz recipes…If he’s so good, how come his audience is made out of overweight women who obviously look out of shape…They’re probably too busy listening to him, taking notes about what to eat/drink instead of warming up, stretching, staying in their THR zone and actually start burning fat reserves after 20 minutes…Maybe they should watch him on TV from home while zoning out biking on their stationary bikes.

I remember a show Ellen did when she used a stationary bike the whole show, which is like 40 minutes if you skip the ads, so she probably did a 5 minutes warm up, some stretching for 10 minutes, got up into her THR zone, stayed there for the minimum 20 minutes then cooled down for 5 minutes…She used a low intensity speed so she could still talk to her guests without being out of breathe. Her guests also had to warm up and stretch backstage and use a stationary bike on stage! The only problem I saw with that show is that the audience was still supposed to just sit and watch…she missed a great opportunity to be like Oprah but instead of “you got a car, you got a car, you got a car” (everybody know cars, among other things, is what make Americans fat and Oprah is obese), she could have said “your got a bike, you got a bike, you got a bike” (Ellen is fit) and have a special audience that would have nonchalantly biked with her (being cleared by medical checkups and wearing proper exercise clothes…) like when she has a special audience of pregnant women for mother’s day or a special audience of breast cancer survivors all wearing pink.

As you said, it won’t “flush fat” (so why do they call it “fat flush water” then?? Treating people like they’re stupid?).
Body fat cannot be flushed out like bacteria, water soluble vitamins or minerals.
I can only be used, provided that you eat enough to cover your BMR + growth (if you’re -21yo) and then exercise for 3,500 calories for each pound of fat reserves that you wish to lose.

You could be bloated because you’re about to have your period so accept it as you want a fluider blood to avoid cramps.
You could be bloated because you ate too much salty food and processed commercial food, restaurant food, cans (they use sodium as a conservative) without compensating with diuretics so eat healthier.

Diuretics are drinks like alcohol, tea, coffee, sodas (anything with caffeine), cranberry juice, and food like cucumbers, watermelons, fresh tomatoes, asparagus, artichokes, beets, carrots, lettuce, raw onions, oats, melon, celery, parsley and any veggie from the cabbage family...cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Chinese broccoli (kay-lan), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), cress, cauliflower, turnips, kale, collard greens, mustard, canola (rapeseed), radish, horseradish, rutabaga, and 20 others...

To avoid dehydration when eating diuretics, you need to compensate the water loss (diuretics) with water retention (sodium).
I will combine cauliflower/ham in a casserole, or a slice of ham with a sandwich containing lettuce, tomato and onion (lettuce/fresh tomato/raw onion are the trifecta of diuretics in a sandwich) or eating sauerkraut with sausages and corned beef with cabbage.

Now, about reducing bloating (when you’re not having your period), water will do that by flushing out the sodium that makes you retain water. Yep…the more water you drink, the more you dehydrate by flushing out your sodium (that’s how you get food poisoning if you drink too much water too fast which is life threatening when you deplete your electrolytes…marathoners should drink sports drinks, not water).

If you don’t like the taste of water (which really, should have no taste, just freshness and thirst quenching coolness) you can filter it, or buy it filtered (some companies use tap water and filter it to Neverland) or buy more expensive pristine source water (different sources have different minerals). If you really cannot find tasteless water, you might add some mint or drops of lemon to it or stop drinking water but start eating high water content food, fruits/veggies, soups…


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