Friday, September 20, 2013

I am 14 years old and I am trying to loose weight?

healthy sandwich recipes under 300 calories
 on 11 Healthy Sandwich Ideas Under 300 Calories - Page 11 |
healthy sandwich recipes under 300 calories image
Q. Any advice? I am trying to loose about 20-30 pounds (no I am not 110 pounds) I am about 160 pounds right now and it has been a struggle for me. I have A LOT of muscle mass index, but i have a lot of flab too. I want to loose some weight so I don't end up 300 pounds when I get older and I want to healthier.I try to eat very healthy but it doesn't work. Any advice to loose wieght in a healthy way?
Oh yeah and might i add that I know an awful lot about nutrition and my mom and dad won't take me anywhere to get my problem under control. They believe that since I caused it, I need to fix it.
Oh and I am involed in 4 sports at school.

I could very easily make many recommendations for you but a little more information would help, this includes your height to better determine what kind of frame we are looking at here, and finally, any disabilities that would prevent you from engaging in a moderate exercise plan, any foods you absolutely can't stand, and finally, how long you want it to take to lose all of this. If you are about 5'6, then you are exactly right that you are about 20-30 lbs over average. Keep in mind, if you are an athletic individual, then weight shouldn't mean anything. Muscle doubles fat in terms of weight. In any event, if you don't have any problems with food dislikes, and no disabilities preventing you from a modest workout, I'll tell you how to lose 20-30 lbs in 2-3 months. It requires extensive dicipline however and it helps if you have a buddy to pair up with. I promise you that if you can get past the first 10 days of my program, it will be quite easy to maintain my program. A lot of what I'm going to tell you won't be popular but I as well as many of my friends are a direct product of this program so give it a shot...

Here's your recipe:
1. First off, cut your calorie intake! The average American consumes 3000 calories a day! Even the recommended 2000 calories per day is SO much more than the body needs. Take it a step further and ask why on earth do we eat three meals a day? Back in the day when civilization was first getting a move on and we were running around the praire hunting things do you think we ate three meals a day? We were lucky to eat one, or any at all. Cut your calories right now to 1250 per day and COUNT them! The average human needs well under this to maintain body weight so even doing this alone won't provide much results. Try to eat lots of fiber, as this expands in your body and makes you full faster. KASHI cereals with one cup of non-fat milk, a slice of Oroweat Light toast and spray butter is an excellent breakfast. Egg Beaters are also a good choice. They are low in calories, and high in protein. For lunch, try a 5slice deli-cut roasted chicked sandwich plain on that oroweat bread. For dinner, eat as many vegetables as you can get your hands on, and chicken, chicken, chicken. Basically, try to stay under 1250 calories per day, eat foods that are high in protein, high in fiber, low in fat, and low in sodium. For seasonings, use only Garlic Powder or Pepper (not garlic salt), Ketchup, and mustard. Stay away from mayo, salt, and just about anything else (Salt makes your body retain water... fat is about 98% water... Get rid of the salt, lower your water intake, but don't dehydrate yourself). Finally, switch to diet sodas as an easy way to shave off a couple hundred calories per day, and instead of juice, try crystal light... They taste pretty good! Safeway also has a diet carbonated beverage that is pretty good. The diet stuff will taste pretty bad at first but after you get used to it, you'll hate regular soda and you'll shutter at the thought of drinking your fat... I'll tell you, the first 10 days of eating like this will be the toughest. Your body is used to eating a lot more, using half, and making fat with the rest. Its going to be crushed when it has to start burning fat to meat the energy quota for the day. After 10 days though your body will be totally used to it, your stomach will shrink in size, and you will therefore be less hungry.
2. Excercise doesn't have to be long and difficult. Quite easy in fact. If you dedicate 10 minutes to exercising, 5 days a week, I can GUARANTEE YOU"LL LOSE THE WEIGHT! This of course is assuming you maintain my little diet for you above. Anyway, this is all you have to do, three things... Situps, Run, and if you have stairs or access to a stair stepper, the stepper. Workup to three sets of 30 situps per day, so 90 situps a day, 5 days a week... Run as fast as you can for 3 minutes on a treadmill, twice per day, back to back if you want, it doesn't matter. Or, instead of 2 sets of 3 minutes, run 1 mile per day in 8 minutes or less. The catch is you cannot stop during your time. If you are doing the three minute routine, it has to be as fast as you can maintain over 3 minutes and I do mean pushing it, without stopping! Or, if its the mile, it has to be in 8 minutes or less. Finally if you have a stepper, and this is optional, throw that in place of the mile twice a week and either do a mile, or 10 minutes, whichever is longer. The type of exercising above is almost like a shock treatment to your body. You are going from idle to full throttle and maintaining it for an extended period of time. You are telling your body that you aren't just a couch potato anymore so start producing muscle and stop producing fat. Your body will quickly adapt after the initial and grueling 10 days. Your lungs will increase in capacity and efficiency allowing you to breath better, you'll have more energy during the day as more food is converted into ATP to supply your muscle instead of lipids for the belly, and you'll start to have confidence that will push you to continue the routine.

On a final note, do all of this at your own risk. This diet isn't for the light hearted, weak-willed, or anyone with health issues. Discontinue if you don't feel its right for you.

whats a good eating plan for a 14 year old girl?


I'm active, I'm 5"5 I currently weigh 120 pounds my goal is 110 pounds when i reach 110 what should i eat to maintain my weight?

I did this and lost 40 lbs in just under 3 months:
Breakfast: Choose one

Fiber One Cereal: There are like 8 different choices on flavors, caramel, fruit, honey, raisen bran, original, ect. All very healthy for you and a great way to start off the day with minimal sugar and a boost of fiber. (1 full cup of cereal + milk is more than I can eat and it's less than 200 calories)

Thomas Whole Grain English Muffins: If you're in the mood for some warm bread, pop one into the toaster and spread some organic peanut butter, No sugar added jam, or I can't believe it's not butter for a warm and delicious breakfast pastry (Note: buy peanut butters in which the oil is at the top and you have to mix it in; avoid brands like Skippy or Jif.) (Each english muffin is 100 calories but be careful of toppings, they add up quickly)

Egg Beater/Egg Whites: You can buy cartons of egg beaters or egg whites in the store. they are delicious, you will not be able to tell the difference between them and regular eggs. Except for the fact that EB/EW cook faster and more easily than regular eggs with no beating the eggs or shells to clean up. Make an ommlete or scrambled eggs and throw in some chopped peppers, spinach, turkey bacon, or skim cheese.

For luches and dinners I recommend Clean Eating. It's a delicious way to Eat without lots of sodium, or artificial chemicals. I have lost 40lbs eating clean. And in over a year of cooking there meals, not ONCE have I been disappointed with the flavor of their recipies!…

My fave's
Fish and Chips (because I'm from the UK, I grew up loving Fish and Chips and these are so delicious and when I eat them I feel like I'm back at The Laughing Halibut in London)…
($1.79 for all materials, They come in at just under 300 calories)

Goat Cheese & Kalamata Paninis: These are so amazing I want one right now. The PERFECT lunch. One very filling sandwich is 300 calories…

Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread: I love making this, it's actually fun to cook and tastes so amazing!…
Makes a large loaf with 12 slices at 180 calories a slice.

Blueberry Strudel: Very reminiscent of a small sidewalk bakery I grew up by. This is without a doubt my favorite dessert. serves the recipe makes more than enough for 4 at 200 calories each.…

But, if you were to follow my advice, eating one of my breakfast options at about 300 calories, a clean lunch at about 300 calories, a dinner at about 300-400 calories, and a dessert at about 150, you ate 3 HUGE meals and a decadent dessert at a grand total of 1050-1150 calories a day.

The average male burns about 2400 calories in one day without working out (females is anywhere from 1600-2200 depending on many, many things; you guys are just.... complex =P, also keep in mind this is an average. If you are 6' 8'' 300 lbs you would burn more than average, If you were 4'8'' 100lbs, you would burn less.) A Pound is equal to 3500 calories. therefore without working out, you will lose a pound every 3 days. stick to the diet for a month and you are at 10 lbs, do it this fall: 30lbs. I dropped 40 lbs in 3 months (although I did run once or twice a week but nothing too intense, but that was negated by the fact that I cheated on days I ran by going to my local bakery and ordering all sorts of sweets for breakfast!)

Good luck with your weight loss

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