Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Will i gain weight if i start to eat more even tho i jog and exercise?

healthy low cal sandwich recipes
 on healthy recipes main dish recipes low calorie dinner recipes
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Hi im 19 i Don't eat a lot ..just a foot long sub from subway with ham lettuce , cheese cucumbers , pickles , onions , green peppers tomatoes ,spinach .yeah a lot is on that and a big bowl of cornflakes with skim milk ..sub is for dinner like round 4 and the flakes is at 8 i jog after 8 but i also do like 430 jumping jacks and 450 situps and other workouts a day im just scared if i eat more (healthy food) will i gain weight? I don't want that ..please help!

FIrst, there is the basic science - calories in vs calories out. If you burn more calories than you ingest, you lose weight (exception being if some fat converts to muscle), if you ingest more calories than you burn you gain weight (again possible exception when muscle is converting to fat). On your current diet is your weight stable? If so, then eating more calories will lead to weight gain. If you've been losing weight, you can gradually add calories until your weight stabilizes.

Despite the commercials, Subway sandwiches are not good for you. Jarod was eating a 6 inch veggie sub and exercising a lot. It was the veggies and exercise that did the trick, not the restaurant and the bread and toppings are counterproductive to weight control. Milk and cheese are also bad.

If you want to eat more so that you feel fuller, but don't want to pack on the calories, I'd suggest the following:

1. Breakfast - Green Smoothie (Google Tonya Zavasta or Victoria Butenko or Green Smoothie to see what I'm talking about and get recipes). Essentially, it is a fruit and veggie equivalent of an Orange Julius that you can make at home with ingredients you get from the produce section of your grocery or market. Yummy, energy rich and filling while being low cal.

2. Lunch - 2 eggs fried on a skillet with Ghee or coconut oil. Side salad if you wish with lemon or light homemade vinegarette.

3. Dinner - Large salad.

That's just a quick idea of a daily schedule. Check out some of the raw vegan websites for better meal selections.

What are some good health websites that have good recipes that are healthy and low in cals. and carbs?


i want something that is tasty and healthy I'm 15 5'7 and 129 pounds and want to lose about 14-18 pounds and wanted to begin eating healthy to aid in weight loss any help would be great!!! thanks !!! :)

Here is one:

It talks about: Good recipies; How to make healthy breakfast; What NOT to eat; Plus exercise tips.

For example, this is an article about healthy breakfast.

We all know we should not miss breakfast. Some of us, however, might be doing it wrong. "Most men make the mistake of eating too little in the morning, and then get so hungry they go overboard and eat a giant meal later in the day," says Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D., a nutritionist in Irvine, California, and author of Stealth Health.

A typical "wrong" breakfast is just a couple of hundred calories, mostly in the form of simple carbohydrates that spike blood-sugar levels and leave the body starving for energy a couple of hours later.

Even a classic fiber-rich breakfast -- say a cup of raisin bran with blueberries and skim milk -- provides less than 300 calories and only about 10 grams of protein. An ideal breakfast needs to be much larger -- between 500 and 600 calories. And it needs to be packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including at least 20 grams of protein and at least 5 grams of fiber. That will give your body a high-quality, long-lasting, steady supply of energy to help you through the morning.

Here's how to hit those numbers. Each of the following meals tastes great and can be made in minutes, Liz Ward reporting:

(1) Blueberry Smoothie With Toasted-Cheese Sandwich
Prep time: 4 minutes

2 slices whole-wheat bread
1/2 c Kashi Go Lean Crunch! cereal
1 c fat-free milk
1 c frozen blueberries
1 1-oz slice Cheddar cheese

Pop the bread into the toaster. Dump the cereal, milk, and berries into a blender and liquefy. Stick a slice of Cheddar between the warm slices of toast and nuke the sandwich in a microwave for 15 seconds. It tastes grilled -- but isn't.

Benefits: "The cheese and milk in this meal are essential for building and maintaining new muscle," says Christine Rosenbloom, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of nutrition at Georgia State University. "The whole grains in the bread and cereal will help lower cholesterol, and the minerals in the milk and cheese will help keep blood-pressure levels down."

Per meal: 509 calories, 26 grams (g) protein, 75 g carbohydrates, 14 g total fat, 12 g fiber

(2) Grab-and-Go Breakfast
Prep time: 1 minute

1 medium apple
1/2 pint fat-free milk
1 bran Vita muffin
1 pack Skippy Squeeze Stix peanut butter

Slice the apple, grab the milk, muffin, and peanut butter, and go. Squeeze the peanut butter out of its pack onto your apple slices as you eat.

Benefits: Vita muffins (vitalicious.com) contain 100 percent of your recommended intake of several important nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E. Foods high in monounsaturated fats -- like peanut butter -- may boost testosterone levels. This meal should help you burn energy more efficiently and lift more weight at the gym.

Per meal: 506 calories, 20 g protein, 87 g carbohydrates, 12 g total fat, 15 g fiber

(3) Minute Omelette with Toast
Prep time: 2 minutes

1 egg
3/4 c frozen spinach, thawed
1 slice Canadian bacon, diced
2 slices whole-wheat bread
1 Tbsp almond butter
1 c Welch's grape juice

Stir together the egg, spinach, and Canadian bacon and pour onto a plate coated with nonstick spray. Microwave for 1 minute or until the egg is fully cooked. Toast the bread and eat it with the almond butter. Chase everything with grape juice.

Benefits: Monounsaturated fat in the almond spread will help prevent spikes and drops in blood sugar, which can leave you feeling tired or crabby. Grape juice gives you an antioxidant, called resveratrol, that not only helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels but also helps improve bloodflow to the heart.

Per meal: 540 calories, 25 g protein, 73 g carbohydrates, 19 g total fat, 8 g fiber

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