Monday, August 12, 2013

What is an extrememly fast way to lose weight?

healthy low cal sandwich recipes
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I'm 13 and I already keep a food journal, count calories (trying to stay between 1,000 and 1,500) and work out...a lot. I still need to know some exercises and foods that help you burn fat, though. I am basically living off of smoothies, salads, and sometimes a treat like an eggroll or something but basically mostly salads and smoothies. I'm starting to get tired of them so if anyone has any recipes (that dont include seafood) that are only 300 calories or under will you please post them? Also if anyone can tell me how to lose more weight faster or something I'm doing wrong..please help. Thanx in advance!

I would stop doing the smoothies as there are lots of calories in them; I know because my husband & I tried them for over six months and we did not lose very much weight. And we were still hungry afterwards. What really helped us was Weight Watchers and eating a variety of foods and of course exercise. You need to do aerobic exercise. Your body also needs to have energy (calories) to lose weight and I think you are actually giving yourself too few calories. I would try to up the calorie count a little bit, say to 2000.

Drink your milk with 1 or 2% fat, eat apples and berries (lots of fiber) have some lean meat (like broiled chicken or pork loin), eat oatmeal (not the little packs but the real stuff) for breakfast (my husband swears by it-and he lost lots of weight by having breakfast) have sandwiches with low cal bread and low fat meat or cheese with mustard for lunch and have veggies like brocolli and carrots (broiled or steamed) with your meat for dinner. Do not eat fried foods at all as they will set you back a bit. And lastly, drink your water - you do not talk about that at all and that is probably the most important thing about nutrition and being healthy. It will also keep you feeling fullish. One last thing, I would strongly recommend going to a doctor and a nutritionist to make sure about what you are doing and before you start to do any of these things recommended by anyone on this topic.

Will i gain weight if i start to eat more even tho i jog and exercise?


Hi im 19 i Don't eat a lot ..just a foot long sub from subway with ham lettuce , cheese cucumbers , pickles , onions , green peppers tomatoes ,spinach .yeah a lot is on that and a big bowl of cornflakes with skim milk ..sub is for dinner like round 4 and the flakes is at 8 i jog after 8 but i also do like 430 jumping jacks and 450 situps and other workouts a day im just scared if i eat more (healthy food) will i gain weight? I don't want that ..please help!

FIrst, there is the basic science - calories in vs calories out. If you burn more calories than you ingest, you lose weight (exception being if some fat converts to muscle), if you ingest more calories than you burn you gain weight (again possible exception when muscle is converting to fat). On your current diet is your weight stable? If so, then eating more calories will lead to weight gain. If you've been losing weight, you can gradually add calories until your weight stabilizes.

Despite the commercials, Subway sandwiches are not good for you. Jarod was eating a 6 inch veggie sub and exercising a lot. It was the veggies and exercise that did the trick, not the restaurant and the bread and toppings are counterproductive to weight control. Milk and cheese are also bad.

If you want to eat more so that you feel fuller, but don't want to pack on the calories, I'd suggest the following:

1. Breakfast - Green Smoothie (Google Tonya Zavasta or Victoria Butenko or Green Smoothie to see what I'm talking about and get recipes). Essentially, it is a fruit and veggie equivalent of an Orange Julius that you can make at home with ingredients you get from the produce section of your grocery or market. Yummy, energy rich and filling while being low cal.

2. Lunch - 2 eggs fried on a skillet with Ghee or coconut oil. Side salad if you wish with lemon or light homemade vinegarette.

3. Dinner - Large salad.

That's just a quick idea of a daily schedule. Check out some of the raw vegan websites for better meal selections.

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