Sunday, August 11, 2013

Best way to ease away from bad foods?

healthy roast beef sandwich recipes
 on Love Your Lunch: 10 Healthy Sandwich Recipes
healthy roast beef sandwich recipes image


I need to drop like 15 pounds. I'm not a pig but I like what I like which is mostly bad stuff. The good news is I can tolerate healthy things like fruit, yogurt, cereals with high fiber, etc., but I work hard and feel like I need a REAL breakfast, a REAL lunch, etc., not just fruits n veggies or a bland chicken breast. Any real eaters out there that made the transition to healthier choices without going crazy, and stuck with it? Also, any tips or recipes that would be satisfying to a serious foodie?

If you stick with whole foods instead of junk, you should do fine and feel satisfied. By junk i mean any fast food or processed foods, cook your own food as much as possible. Stick to whole grains whenever possible (wheat bread and pasta instead of white, etc). And most importantly, just keep it balanced.
You don't have to have "a bland chicken breast," have a chicken breast in a tomato sauce with wheat pasta and parmesan cheese. Have a roast beef sandwich on wheat with veggies like tomato and lettuce. It's not hard to eat healthy, just cut out most of the processed foods out there, be sensible about portions, and make sure to sneak in a lot of fruit and veggies. Which isn't hard. Want some ice cream? Throw some berries on there. Put fresh fruit on your cereal. Have veggie soup with your lunch.
I'm speaking from experience because a couple years ago i lost 40 lbs over the summer simply by switching to whole grains and eliminating processed foods. Trust me, i'm a serious foodie.

Can you give me a healthy kid-friendly easy recipe?

Mrs. Wiles

My hubby is going to Iraq soon. So its just going to be me and my 2 daughters (ages 5 and 2) for awhile. What i am looking for is some easy healthy kid friendly recipes. I am also hoping that these recipes have "normal" ingredients, LoL. Like i have NO idea what a leek is, i don't know if that is even know if thats spelled right.
Anyways... healthy....kid friendly. I would like to lose some weight while he is gone and not have to make a separate meal for my kids and also add some recipes to my very small collection that are healthy. Please don't refer me to any recipe sights because I've looked at a billion of them and have found very little that helps me. I would like mother tested and approved Ideas. Thanks in advance :)

Replace all your ground beef with ground turkey to save 50% in calories.
Brown it in big batches, then freeze in 1# baggies. Thaw it out to make tacos (add a pkg of taco seasoning & simmer til dried, put on hard shells or tortillas w/lettuce, cheese, tomatoes.
Thaw & add to a jar of spaghetti sauce & serve over noodles.
Thaw and add a can of manwich, simmer, serve on buns.

Get a crockpot & put a beef or pork roast in it, cook all day with onions, carrots & potatoes. Use the leftovers for sandwiches, stew or soup the next day.

Breakfast-for-dinner is a hit for kids: make french toast or pancakes, or scrambled eggs for dinner. Or "toad-in-a-hole"--
cut a circle in a bread slice with a cup. Fry on one side til golden, flip, and break an egg into the hole. Fry til done.
(don't throw the circles away--fry them too)

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