Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What are some healthy meals\snacks for breakfast, lunch and dinner that I can make at home?

Q. What are some healthy, easy meals\snacks for breakfast, lunch and dinner that I can make at home?
10 points for the most ideas for all the meals\snacks!

A. Breakfast:

- Egg whites (better for you than the whole egg) with a little salt and pepper, maybe some cheese to add flavor, on wheat toast.
- Grapefruit (it's sooo healthy for you, it can be a snack too)
- Cottage Cheese Pancakes: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/351
- Oatmeal
- All fruit smoothie. Have non frozen fruit and add ice or use frozen fruit and add a little 100% fruit juice. You can make it a *healthy* milk shake by using low fat milk instead of juice and adding a little sugar (sugar isn't unhealthy in small amounts, but fake sugar like sweet and low and equal are bad for you)


- Chicken breast with lemon pepper or other seasonings
- A spinach tortilla with chicken cooked in some bbq sauce. Add lots of lettuce and a little bit of light ranch (like a teaspoon, if even that).
- Salad- there are thousands of possible salads you can make but what I love doing is a bunch of lettuce, some spinach if you like that, salt, pepper, garlic (powder and only a small amount) and vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, or even carrots and peppers
- Taco Salad: brown some lean beef, drain any fat, add seasonings (McCormick has a taco seasoning packet for 50 cents). Make a bowl full of lettuce, tomatoes if you want, some beef, some cheese if you want, and tortilla chips if you want (less healthy version).
- Chicken in a bag- McCormick's has these awesome chicken bag seasonings where you throw chicken in the bag (they provide) with some carrots, potatoes, whatever you want, add the seasoning and bake for about an hour. One of my husbands favorites!
- Costco sells individual salmon fillets. Take one out of the fridge/freezer, season to your liking, throw on a pan, the grill, or in the oven and cook.
- a sandwich- between whole wheat bread slices, pita style, or wrapped up (spinach wraps are really delicious, or whole wheat wraps which I'm not a huge fan of).
- Make some quinoa or brown rice in a rice cooker or in a pot if you don't have one. Add some black beans, salt and pepper, and some mozzarella if it's still to bland. I like to add some sriracha (chili hot sauce) into the rice as it cooks and some garlic seasoning. It adds some kick and makes it taste really good without adding the sodium from cheese.

- peppers
- celery. If you hate it alone add some organic peanut butter (no preservatives) you can even go to many stores and grind your own peanuts into peanut butter.
- peas, green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, other vegetables but not potatoes or corn.
- apples, pears, bananas, berries, grapefruit, and other fruits.
- some nuts or a homemade trail mix (raisins, peanuts, almonds, some dark chocolate chips, whatever else you want)

- a small amount of dark chocolate is actually really good for you. The higher the cocoa content the better :) But only a small amount.

Those are my favorites but check out this site: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/over-100-quick-and-easy-healthy-foods.html

for more options. There are an unlimited amount of healthy foods out there you just have to find what you like and stick with it :)

I need some healthy and easy recipes for lunch?
Q. I want some healthy and easy recipes that I can make for lunch. With cheap ingredients and that I can eat on a regular basis. Also maybe some healthy snack ideas?(preferably cheap) thanks!

A. I like to make chicken salad for lunches. It’s healthy, fast, and full of protein to keep you full for a long time. Just boil 4 skinless/boneless chicken breasts (around $7), then dice into small squares. Mix in a big bowl with 1 cup mayonnaise, ¼ cup mustard, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 diced onion, 5 diced stalks of celery, salt & pepper (around $5). So, for a total of only 12 bucks, you have lunch for every day of the week.

I pre-portion the Chicken Salad into ziplock sandwich baggies and keep in the fridge, so they are ready to go for each day. Just use a small insulated lunch bag with a freezer pack, to keep the food fresh until lunch time. For a snack, I bring along a bag of baby carrots and ranch dressing. I work in an office, and this is a great lunch for Mon-Fri. Saves me bundles of money and is much healthier than eating fast food every day. If you want, you can take bread to put the salad on, but since I eat low-carb foods, I skip the bread.

What are some healthy, tasty meals for the school year?
Q. Can anyone give me tasty but healthy recipes for the school year?
I don't like to eat breakfast, so if you can give me some very quick, easy to make, healthy and not too filling breakfasts, that'd be great.

And lunch I need to be able to make in about 15 minutes, be eaten in about 35ish minutes, healthy, and can fit into a lunch box.



A. Breakfast: Yogurt is always good. You got some calcium, some protein, and some vitamins, assuming you get some fruit flavored yogurt. If you want a little extra crunch, you can sprinkle some of your favorite cereal on top. Fresh fruit is also a wonderful way to start your day.

Lunch: Sandwiches are your bread and butter, literally! Mix it up. Turkey and tuna are both great for you, and if you put some healthy green lettuce (none of that iceberg stuff) and a tomato you will round things out. Go easy on the mayo, if you even want any. On other days you can mix it up with peanut butter and your favorite jelly. For some healthy, quick side snacks, I'd recommend a combination of string cheese, carrot sticks, and grapes. These don't take any prep time, and all have their own benefits. To drink, well, I think that's up to you. Bottled water is the simplest.

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