Friday, November 29, 2013

What food can you order at restaurants or fast food places that is low fat/calories?

healthy sandwich recipes under 200 calories
 on Healthy Recipes
healthy sandwich recipes under 200 calories image

Ron Brgund

Hooter's salad with chicken is really healthy if you don't use much dressing..
Taco Bell taquitos are not bad on calories. Their fresco stuff is also not too bad. What else?

roast chicken salad at Arby's is only 160 calories.
BK Broiler Chicken Sandwich 267 calories
Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich at chick-fil-a is 280 calories

Origninal Recipe, Drumstick from KFC is 140 calories each

Subway has several subs under 300 calories:
6" Honey Mustard Turkey with Cucumber 275
*6" Ham Sub 261
*6" Roast Beef 264
*6" Subway Club® 294
*6" Turkey Breast 254
*6" Turkey Breast with Ham 267
*6" Veggie Delight 200

Small chili at Wendy's is 210 calories.

Mostly chicken stuff it all depends on what you like and how healthy you're looking for really I personally like mcdonalds fruit salads(210) and parfaits(160) but you can't really live on those.

How to Get the Motivation to Lose 100lb+?


So I've been depressed and on a lot of medications for about 3 years now. So the combination of not caring about my health, being really lazy, coping with all types of emotions by eating, and side effects from like 10 different meds have obviously taken a toll. I was never skinny, and was mostly slightly overweight. Now, I am classified as morbidly obese. I have so much weight to lose before I am even close to being back to how I was (and even then I wasn't happy with my weight). But instead of wanting to lose 10 pounds and being able to do it in a couple weeks, I need to lose 100+ pounds just to be healthy. And I know that doesn't take a couple weeks. I'm starting a new college in less than 3 months, and I do want to lose weight and feel more confident, but it feels so hopeless. I mean 150 and I'd be back to where I was before. I never ever would have thought I'd have to lose over 100lbs ever in my life. But I do now, except most days I act like I really couldn't care.

So, I really need motivation to lose weight. (Besides, tiredness and like no endurance to do normal physical activity, I'm lucky enough not to have any health problems related to my weight). So there's no motivation there, the only motivation comes from wanting to look better (and even that's not a 24/7 thing). I'm also a really picky eater. I eat family size bags of potato chips in one sitting when I get mad. I really only cook pasta or frozen pizza for dinner. I hardly ever eat breakfast, sometimes lunch, and then a thousand snacks and a huge dinner. I'm not lacking time to exercise or eat healthy, I just don't have the motivation 7 days a week (or even 3 days a week).

Five years ago I was 5'1'' and 125, that didn't last too long. My normal weight for the exception of these past 3 years has been around 140/150. Which I hated, but now I want back more than anything. Today (I hate to weigh myself), but I'm still 5'1'' and around 240 pounds. (I've always wanted to be under 100lbs, but that will be a goal for sometime later). Getting below the 200 mark would be a huge confidence booster, and getting back down to 140 is what I want, but don't think I could do.

Anyone who's going through this/has lost a lot of weight have any tips?

P.S. I've looked into surgery, a few people in my family and family friends have done it with success but I don't think I could handle only being able to drink 1oz of water over the course of an hour. And all the requirements just to be considered are what I'm having difficulty with. (Like, if I could lose 10 pounds or stick with a diet plan for 6 months I wouldn't be in this position).

Hey there hun don't give up! You can do it if you put your mind to it. I know how difficult it is to loose the pounds. I was once 200 pounds and I lost 55 pounds, unfortunately I have regained nearly 20 pounds, but I'm working towards loosing it. I know that weight loss can be a daunting process but once you get into it and start losing weight it's a lot easier. I know it seems easier to say sod it im fat anyway, i'll just eat some more.

Eating is often a response to difficult emotions, I sometimes binge eat and it always makes me worse. In order to loose weight you've got to create a healthy meal plan. It's no good going on crash diets, they only make you regain the weight quicker. The good news is that overweight people do loose the weight very quickly. When I first lost weight I lost the weight very fast. You can easily loose 10 pounds in a week without severely restricting yourself. Larger people loose weight more quickly as its mostly water and they're creating a very large deficit in calories. Say you go from eating 5000 calories a day to 2000, you're creating a 3000 calorie deficit when the normal deficit for a person is 500-1000 calories. I lost 9 pounds in one week at the time I was loosing weight. However as your body looses weight it stabilizes a bit more and you may notice the weight loss is slower and you may have weeks where you don't loose weight (known as a plateau), but keep on going and dont let that get you down. It's very difficult for the body to loose weight all the time.

I say eat a healthy diet, no crash diets. Stick to 1500-2000 calories a day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Do not skip breakfast. Even if you're not in the mood for breakfast, have a cereal bar and a banana. Frozen pizza is not good for you nor is too much pasta. Instead eat foods like jacket potato (easy to make, put it in the oven and have it with maybe tuna or mackeral or coronation chicken, look for low fat topping. Don't use cheese), salads (again easy to make, buy whatever toppings you want; tomatoes, sweetcorn, chicken, even cut up a few potatoes and use a low fat sauce), scrambled eggs or omelett (also very simply). Grilled chicken is also very good and slimming and takes a few minutes to cook, you can serve it with vegetables. Couscous is also really good and healthy, you could have it with the chicken. For more recipes maybe order a recipe book which has healthy recipes. For lunch you could combines some of these things or have a sandwich with less fat (shoo brought sandwiches often have a lot of fat and sat fat so be careful) or sushi (you could also have that for dinner) or you could have salads or make your own lunch.

Loosing weight doesn't mean cutting out your favourite foods, you can still have a bit of chocolate or crisps if you crave it but dont have it too often and only in moderation. Have a normal packet of crisps instead of a family sized pack. You can still enjoy treats, having the odd indulgence is ok and doesn't mean that you've failed. For low fat treats I have frozen yoghurt and low fat popcorn however buy it in small seperate pots or bags as I know it can be tempting to have more. I brought three small pots of frozen yoghurt and i ate them all in one day. Too much of anything even if its healthy isnt good for you.

Also dont keep junk food in the house, ask your family to buy healthy stuff. Exercise is also great in loosing weight, maybe sign up to your local gym. Everyone is really nice at the gym and a trainer there can give you a good exercise programe to stick to. If you dont want to join a gym maybe go for walks or for light jogs or maybe join some classes. There are people all shapes and sizes at the gym and no one stares at them or jeers at them, so don't be afraid. Most people are too busy doing their own thing to notice other people so no need to feel self conscious. At least you're there to do something about your weight right?

One last thing, drink plenty of water. Water really fills you up. Good luck sweetie, you can do this, believe in yourself! Think about how much you want this and be determined. Think to yourself I will be the size of my dreams. Like you said first aim for a healthy weight, maybe 140 and maintain it for a bit and then if you want to loose a bit more weight go for it but you can slow the weight loss down a bit and take your time with it. 120 seems like a good weight, but between 120-140 is also fine. It takes time to loose weight, but its worth the journey. It's like with everything else it takes time, for example it takes time and practise to get better at a hobby or skill, it doesn't just happen immediately. Believe in yourself, you can do this! Believe that you are fabulous :D. Good luck sweetie, I'd love to hear about your progress xx

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