Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Can anyone give me a sandwich recipe?


It has to be short,fast and nice ^_^
Thank you in advance

Use Whole Grain Bread for more flavor and healthy fiber
Sandwich Fillings
Peanut Butter and Sliced Bananas
Peanut Butter and Sliced Apples
Peanut Butter and Nutella
Nutella and Sliced Bananas

Sliced Hard Boiled egg, sliced tomato and mayo, garnish with dried dill
Ham & Cheese with Dijon Mustard and some dried or fresh dill, try grilling this for a real treat
Turkey or Chicken with sliced avocado and arugula, spread store bought pesto sauce or olive spread on the bread.

Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe 10 points!!!?

Pretty Gir

Can someone link me to a recipe or copy/paste it. I lost my recipe of the egg salad sandwich.

Mine had
Toast / bread
Mayo i think... Help me out here
Lettuce maybe? dont know?
Eggs ofc.
And it also had onions the green circular ones
o yeah is it healthy?

Angels sounds good. This is how I make mine:

Multiply as necessary. This is per sandwich:

3 Eggs, boiled & chopped
2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise (just enough to bind it. less is more here.)
1 Teaspoon Mustard
3 Green Onions, chopped in 1/8 - 1/4 inch pieces
Pinch of Cayenne
Iceberg Lettuce
Toasted Bread (I like Whole Wheat or Sour Dough)

It sounds like you know how to do it. Chop the eggs and slice the green onions, add everything else and mix it well. Chill it really well and make your sandwich. I like to add Iceberg Lettuce on mine for that nice, cool crunch.

Bon Apetit'!

As for being 'healthy', the mayonnaise probably wouldn't make the top 10 healthy dishes. But compared to McDonalds? Sure it is. Everything in moderation is fine, barring any particular health problems.

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