Wednesday, March 5, 2014

I work out every day, seeing muscle definition but no weight loss?!?


So here's the deal, I have been working out every day for about 9 months, I have definitely noticed great definition in my legs and arms but I am continuing to gain weight or just maintain it. I weigh about 117(on a good day) to 121lbs. I know that is not bad but I'm 5'4 and my fat goes to all the WRONG places. I feel sick when I haven't eaten-and feel like i'm about to pass out-so I snack..also I'm a college student so dinner is anything, steaks, hamburgers(boxed food with meat, spaghetti) chicken(sandwiches, pasta) and so on..and I have to eat around 9 every night because I work from 3-8 mon-thurs.ALSO I am a receptionist so I am sitting on my ass for 5 hours daily, I TRY to be as active as possible but I can't hardly leave the desk....

What all am I doing wrong and do you have any suggestions?! I've got a little cellulite starting to form on my thigh and I just dread it getting! oh, and I DONT drink pop and I DONT eat fast food, I drink beer almost every weekend if not a crown and coke (my only acception with pop)...

Firstly fat is very light and fluffy compared to muscle. Muscle is very compact and when defined, you can gain quite a bit and its surprising on the scale. However, the scale is not measuring your muscle gain and is not accurate.

Now, I don't mean to be snooty, but our fast paced lives have caused a generation of people who don't realize that pizza and hamburgers and boxed pasta are all junk foods. YES, they are junk foods.

If you eliminate all white flower products and fried foods, you will get lean.

Here is a new one. Fat does not make fat in the body. That is a myth.

Pizza, pasta, and any fried potatoes or chips or anything that converts to sugars easily causes your body to produce triglycerides in the blood.

Triglycerides are what cause that fat surrounding your middle that you can't seem to get rid of.

Its the kind of fat Sumo wrestlers work on by creating triglycerides by overeating lots of white rice and then sleep so that they do nothing but store it all as fat.

You need to look up recipes and learn how to prepare your own food. You need to include 7 to 9 servings of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. Meat is fine, but stay away from white flower products, white potatoes of any kind or anything that is converted to sugars by the body easily, because you will not burn it as energy, you will store it as fat and get hungrier because you didn't eat right.

About beer. Its the LIGHT beer that causes weight gain more than a hardy regular hoppy or barley beer. No corn beers like Mexican beers because they are brewed from corn syrup. No bud or coors because they too, are loaded with sugar. Get a good carb beer like Heffe Veis or something really healthy if your gunna drink a beer, ok?

Stick with carbohydrates that are harder to digest, like grains or breads that have sprouts, eat raw nuts, seeds. Athletes that work out know to make these awesome protein shakes that include flax seeds and other really healthy stuff. They get lean that way.

Take care, you sound like a down to earth no nonsense person who may not want to change your eating habits because you hate anything green! LOL.

It's not gallstones, what is it?


Started out with pain/almost a swollen feeling in my mid right abdomen about 5 days ago. Two nights ago my upper right abdomen started hurting really bad and referring pain up into the right side of my neck and upper right arm. I went to the hospital and had an ultrasound and they said it looked fine. They also said it's possible that it might just not be "working" well which can give the same symptoms. Last night I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, later chicken noodle soup. At 10pm I had another attack that lasted a little over an hour. After that, I ate some cheetos, which are low in sat fat and had one small bite of my boy friends pizza. That was around 12am. At 5am this morning I woke up with yet another attack. These attacks don't seem to be as severe as when my mom had gallstones, but they are still the same symptoms. I also cannot take deep breaths, have trouble smoking a cigarette due to the sucking part of it and can not lay down no matter what side I lay on.
It is because of pressure put on this area that those things bother me during an attack. Pushing on my rib cage above the pained area also causes the same painful effect during an attack.

What is happening is your gall bladder is trying to tell you something. Low Fat, high carb diets cause so many problems. It's so hard for me to listen to all the hype being promoted by the food industry marketing schemes. This craze to listen to the so called "food experts" that are nothing more than "hired guns" of the food industry that get all dressed up to look professional and then tell people to eat diets high in vegetable oils and have recipes that promote some food industry's product and then tell people to cut down on fats is just ludicrous.

Gallstones are a result of bad bile made in the liver. The gall bladder is just a storage tank for bile. Bile is made from cholesterol. What typically happens when you eat low fat diets, the liver starves for good fats to be able to make good bile. When it doesn't get that, the bile produced is very viscous. This bile sits in the gall bladder and some of it crystallizes and makes gall stones. When the person finally does eat fat, it tries to push the bile down the bile duct, but because it is viscous, it moves very slowly. This leaves the fat to not digest properly, expand the bile duct (causing pain) and then when this bile finally reaches the jejunum, it does not emulsify the fat well. This old bile is then moved back to the liver for reprocessing and because not a lot of good fats are present, the liver produces more bad bile.

You need to clean your gall bladder and liver. The smoking is putting chemicals into your body that the liver has to process and is causing the liver to reprioritize from the stress brought on by the nicotine. The combination of these things is getting you ready for Gall Bladder Disease. You can do one of two things, change what you are doing or get your suitcase packed to go to the hospital and have your gall bladder out soon. Once you get your gall bladder out, you will have a constant stream of bad bile going to your jejunum that will keep you from having pain, but not allow you to digest your fats well and then be prepared to deal with weight issues, sickness and degenerative diseases due to bad fat digestion.

If you change what you are doing, you have a great chance of improving your health, keeping your gall bladder and living a better quality of life.

99% of all gall bladder operations are unnecessary.

You need to stop smoking at all costs. The average American shortens their life by 1/3 from not addressing this digestion issue and when you smoke, you can be prepared to accept the 1/2 your normal life expectancy. If you stop smoking now and change your diet, you have the opportunity to live a much longer, healthier, happier, life free of typical diseases and taking drugs as you age.

The basics: You need to have a diet that is: 40% carbohydrates (includes starches and no refined sugars), 30% fats, and 30% protein.

Of the 30% fats, it should be broken down as follows:

60% monounsaturated fats (like Olive Oil), 30% saturated fats from (real butter made from raw cream, coconut oil, fat from grass fed cows such as raw milk, beef, etc.), 10% polyunsaturated fats (from foods that have a 1:1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids).

Diets low in saturated fats are not good. The man that started this stupid lunacy was Ancel Keys. He is called the man that started the lipid generation. He said that eating saturated fats causes heart disease. He showed that 6 countries in the world that were suffering from heart disease ate lots of saturated fats. But he neglected to show the other 36 countries that ate lots of saturated fats that did not have heart disease and countries that ate little saturated fats had high rates of heart disease from his studies. He simply chose what he wanted people to believe.

Bad saturated fats like hydrogenated fats are definitely bad for you, but so are the Vegetable Oils. They are polyunsaturated with weak double bonds. When you buy these, they are typically rancid due to the fancy see through bottles that allow light to enter and cause them to go rancid.

Then, when you heat them ever so slightly, they polymerize and the "cis" configuration changes to the "trans" configuration and you get TRANS FATS! These trans fats block the transfer of nutrients through the phospholipid membranes in the endocrine cells in your body.

Olive Oil is high in omega 9 fatty acids and Oleic Acid that is very good for you. Canola, Soybean, Cottonseed, and Corn Oils are GROSSLY TERRIBLE FOR YOU! These are mostly genetically modified now and generate lots of allergies.

Real Butter made from raw cream is wonderful for you. It is a saturated fat that comes from healthy cows that eat grass and not the pasteurized garbage that contains huge amounts of dead bacteria, crushed butter fat cells that make foreign amino acids that generate high homocystine in the body causing many allergies. There is also about 2% bacterium in pasteurized milk that has linked Crohne's disease to this in 92% of the Crohne's disease cases.

Coconut oil is loaded with Lauric Acid that feeds and nourishes your thyroid.

Both of these oils do not require the body's bile to break them down and they are sources of immediate energy. The butyric acid found in real raw butter nourishes the large intestine cells.

Go to: look at the FAQ's there to get an education on why raw milk is safe and so much better for you.

good luck to you

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