Sunday, February 23, 2014

Healthy Diet?


Cheerleading season is HERE! and I have done nothing but gain weight. I need to start eating healthy. My biggest problem is breakfast. I know I am never suppose skip breakfast but I do... until now! The hardest obsticle is finding the right thing.

I need to have it as a schedual. Is "Fibre 1" good?? I don't like lettuce, I don't really like any veggies (I try sometimes to eat some, but they are gross!! lol ) - I do love fruit, but they are full of sugar and simple carbs aren't they? I don't do anything to work out yet - what should I do. I really need to tone my thighs and my stomach area is gross.

I am 16 - 5'3" and 146lbs. I know my biggest thing is to stop eating junk. I don't drink pop (sometimes diet) but not enough water either. I think if I have every moment of my life on a shedual I would be more likely to follow. I can stand the feeling of hunger, which I read is often just thirst?? - but what are simple snacks and meals I can have that are low cal?

Have fun with cheerleading the more you dance and jump will tone your body really well.

whole grain toast with peanut butter, jam etc

handful of nuts
fruit of your choice
muffin ( I have a great recipe for banana muffins)

tomato sandwich with whole grain bread
canned tuna

trail mix

1 oz of chicken breast or fish
salad with pumpkin seeds
baked potato

Here's the Vegan food guide and no you don't have to be vegetarian or vegan to enjoy any of the foods on this list. Also, try new foods you might find something that you like

The sugar in fruits is easier on the body than added sugar in products.
Drink water not this new vitamin water shit, it's got tonnes of sugar. Sip water throughout the day. You don't have to drink 8 cups a day, you drink for you and when you feel satisfied, stop

Healthy Chicken Sandwich recipe ?


Heyya...if someone could type an easy to make..or a bit tough....healthy yet tasty chicken sandwich recipe then that would be really helpful. Thanks a lot!
@ Edit : Ok I changed my doesn't have to be THIS easy!
Spicy...tangy is the main criteria

Well its not so hard really, here what I eat everyday for dinner since im on diet:

Spicy Chicken Sandwich:

First you buy those packages at Walmart or something that have like 5 pieces of chicken breast. I like to pick the Tyson brand. Each serving is 110 calories and around 5-10 calories from fat and 26g of protein, which is very good.

Then buy Bimbo Soft Wheat bread, or if you can find it, buy Bimbo 100% whole wheat. I buy mine off H.E.B. dunno if you have that store where you live. 2 slices are 120 calories, 10 calories from fat.

And finally a spice called Cayenne Pepper Powder. Its very healthy and helps increase metabolism. Maybe perhaps you would like to add a little pepper too?

You can add lettuce or avocado if you wish!

Just sprinkle the desired amount of Cayenne Pepper on the chicken breast & cook it on high. I cook mine without any oil because it already contains fat which works well to not stick so much.

And vuala, you have a very delicious chicken sandwich for less than 300 calories and high in protein & wheat

And if you cant find the Bimbo brand, make sure the bread you buy does NOT have high fructose corn syrup. Many breads do.

EDIT: Hmm well if you prefer could always add a little lemon. Maybe perhaps you would like to cook the chicken breast in lemon juice or celery leaves for a change?

But whatever you do, do not add mayo, mayo is never healthy even though it claims to be "low fat".

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