Saturday, June 7, 2014

Healthy sandwich?Any recipes, ideas out there?


I'm going to the grocery later to buy wheat bread, I've been always making tuna melt sandwich and im kinda tired of it. Do you know any other EASY and and low in carb sandwich recipes? Thanks

Cheese & pickles.
Smoked turkey breast with Swiss cheese and mayonnaise on a whole wheat bread.
Sliced boiled eggs with sliced tomatoes. Good with chili sauce.
Roast beef with hot cheddar cheese.
Turkey, yogurt sauce, & salad.
Peanut butter, Miracle Whip, & sliced bananas.
Onion & tomato. Sprinkle with salt.
Garlic & tomato. Sprinkle with salt.
Onion, tomato, garlic, & green pepper. Sprinkle with salt.
Chicken, bacon, & mayo on toasted whole grain bread.
Egg salad, sprouts, & shredded carrots.
Turkey, mayo, whole cranberry sauce, chopped walnuts, &/or chopped purple
grapes on whole grain bread.
Pita bread stuffed with your favorite ingredients.
Egg, pickle, & mayo.
Beef & mustard on rye.
Camembert, sweet chili sauce, & romaine leaves. Spice it up with ground pepper.
Roasted veggies on whole wheat.
Hardboiled eggs & bacon with tomato chutney.
Salmon, cream cheese & capers.
Turkey, salad, & basil.
Tuna, mayo & sprouts.
Mozzarella, lettuce, red onion, & hot chili oil.
Blue cheese & figs.
Grilled Mozzarella & roasted red pepper.
Sliced cucumbers, alfalfa sprouts. mayo, tomatoes & lettuce in a Pita Pocket.
Smoked turkey, alfalfa sprouts, cranberry sauce, & mayo on whole grain bread.
Tuna fish sandwich, one of the flavored Miracle Whips, tomato, & lettuce on a
Kaiser roll, & a pickle on the side.
Shredded chicken, mayo, shredded cheddar cheese, spice it up with your favorite
seasonings & put it on a bun. Wrap in foil & heat in oven about 10 min.
Sliced chicken, mayo, pine nuts, grilled peppers, Parmesan & spinach.

Healthy sandwich recipe?


1 ounce is how many deli chicken slices?
does anybody have a healthy sandwich recipe using deli chicken slices?

im stuck for ideas for lunch..

The amount of chicken you get in one ounce will vary with the thickness of the slice. If you don't have a scale then when you get your deli meat make sure you order only 3/4 of a pound (12 ounces). This will give you a better idea of how to measure an ounce - 12 one ounce servings, 6 two ounce servings or 4 three ounce servings.
When you make a sandwich use 100% whole wheat bread (more fiber, will fill you up more, easy to metabolize, etc.). Toast the bread. Skip the mayo and use mustard. Use low sodium turkey or chicken and low fat cheese. Tomato slices, lettuce or arugula.
I like to use red pepper hummus and don't use cheese or mustard (very moist and creamy). Lots of protein, low fat.
Happy Cooking!

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Friday, June 6, 2014

What are some good health websites that have good recipes that are healthy and low in cals. and carbs?


i want something that is tasty and healthy I'm 15 5'7 and 129 pounds and want to lose about 14-18 pounds and wanted to begin eating healthy to aid in weight loss any help would be great!!! thanks !!! :)

Here is one:

It talks about: Good recipies; How to make healthy breakfast; What NOT to eat; Plus exercise tips.

For example, this is an article about healthy breakfast.

We all know we should not miss breakfast. Some of us, however, might be doing it wrong. "Most men make the mistake of eating too little in the morning, and then get so hungry they go overboard and eat a giant meal later in the day," says Evelyn Tribole, M.S., R.D., a nutritionist in Irvine, California, and author of Stealth Health.

A typical "wrong" breakfast is just a couple of hundred calories, mostly in the form of simple carbohydrates that spike blood-sugar levels and leave the body starving for energy a couple of hours later.

Even a classic fiber-rich breakfast -- say a cup of raisin bran with blueberries and skim milk -- provides less than 300 calories and only about 10 grams of protein. An ideal breakfast needs to be much larger -- between 500 and 600 calories. And it needs to be packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including at least 20 grams of protein and at least 5 grams of fiber. That will give your body a high-quality, long-lasting, steady supply of energy to help you through the morning.

Here's how to hit those numbers. Each of the following meals tastes great and can be made in minutes, Liz Ward reporting:

(1) Blueberry Smoothie With Toasted-Cheese Sandwich
Prep time: 4 minutes

2 slices whole-wheat bread
1/2 c Kashi Go Lean Crunch! cereal
1 c fat-free milk
1 c frozen blueberries
1 1-oz slice Cheddar cheese

Pop the bread into the toaster. Dump the cereal, milk, and berries into a blender and liquefy. Stick a slice of Cheddar between the warm slices of toast and nuke the sandwich in a microwave for 15 seconds. It tastes grilled -- but isn't.

Benefits: "The cheese and milk in this meal are essential for building and maintaining new muscle," says Christine Rosenbloom, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of nutrition at Georgia State University. "The whole grains in the bread and cereal will help lower cholesterol, and the minerals in the milk and cheese will help keep blood-pressure levels down."

Per meal: 509 calories, 26 grams (g) protein, 75 g carbohydrates, 14 g total fat, 12 g fiber

(2) Grab-and-Go Breakfast
Prep time: 1 minute

1 medium apple
1/2 pint fat-free milk
1 bran Vita muffin
1 pack Skippy Squeeze Stix peanut butter

Slice the apple, grab the milk, muffin, and peanut butter, and go. Squeeze the peanut butter out of its pack onto your apple slices as you eat.

Benefits: Vita muffins ( contain 100 percent of your recommended intake of several important nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, and E. Foods high in monounsaturated fats -- like peanut butter -- may boost testosterone levels. This meal should help you burn energy more efficiently and lift more weight at the gym.

Per meal: 506 calories, 20 g protein, 87 g carbohydrates, 12 g total fat, 15 g fiber

(3) Minute Omelette with Toast
Prep time: 2 minutes

1 egg
3/4 c frozen spinach, thawed
1 slice Canadian bacon, diced
2 slices whole-wheat bread
1 Tbsp almond butter
1 c Welch's grape juice

Stir together the egg, spinach, and Canadian bacon and pour onto a plate coated with nonstick spray. Microwave for 1 minute or until the egg is fully cooked. Toast the bread and eat it with the almond butter. Chase everything with grape juice.

Benefits: Monounsaturated fat in the almond spread will help prevent spikes and drops in blood sugar, which can leave you feeling tired or crabby. Grape juice gives you an antioxidant, called resveratrol, that not only helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels but also helps improve bloodflow to the heart.

Per meal: 540 calories, 25 g protein, 73 g carbohydrates, 19 g total fat, 8 g fiber

Healthy, easy recipes for school


mind giving me ideas? i'm going to high school soon (can't wait) and i happen to saw the cafeteria food menu (ouch), can someone give me some links or ideas? best answer gets 10 points, and my appreciations ;). thanks!

Sliced fruit
Granola bars with added fiber and/or protein (Fiber One bars = FANTASTIC!)
Tuna salad sandwich or chicken salad (tuna's better for you/brain food)
Carrot sticks
Sun chips
Pita sandwich
Flavored rice cakes (low in cal but fun to munch, apple or chocolate are the best)
Crystal light in a carry-along bottle
Real turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread
Pasta! Multigrain pasta with sauce made from olive oil and fresh tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, this stuff stays good for a week
Low fat yogurt, throw frozen fruit and granola in there in the morning and at lunch it's a parfait

All of these foods should boost your metabolism, they're very high in nutrients. :) Good luck!

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Healthy school lunch options that do not need to stay cold?


There is no refrigeration, and I bring my lunch in a paper bag, so it's not in any sort of chilled lunchbox. I don't eat until around 12:30, so what could I bring besides pb&j everyday lol Thanks!

Most things that do not need heating up should work.

Any type of sandwiches, think turkey, lowfat cheese, lettuce, and/or tomato on whole grain bread. However, make sure that you keep the bread separate from the rest of the ingredients or else it would get soggy by lunchtime. Also, if you like, you can use those little packets of ketchup/mayo/mustard from fast food places if you need it (I would suggest mustard as it is the healthiest).

Tuna salad sandwich or egg salad sandwich would also work, but remember to keep the bread separate until right before you eat it. You can add lettuce, tomatoes, and/or cucumbers on top of these sandwiches for extra flavor.

You can also get little bags of baby carrots/ cut up celery/ grape tomatoes, some pita bread and hummus. Dip the veggies and pita bread in the hummus and you have a filling and healthy snack. Oh and you can buy the hummus and pita bread at the store premade and sometimes packaged together.

Another good option is a yogurt (it won't go bad) and an apple or any other fruit. You can add flax to the yogurt to make it more filling. Flax is sort-of like cereal, but usually in the nut isle at the grocery store.

If you have plastic throw-away containers you can get a salad topped off with nuts, cranberries, and a bit of cheese. The cranberries add such a good taste that you might not even need dressing with that.

And don't forget things like granola bars (you can even make them at home by just googling some recipes for more healthy options), low cal jello, trail mix snacks, and fruit salad cups.

Hope that helps a little.

What are some healthy foods/snacks I can pack and eat at college?


I'm going to college in the fall and I don't want to eat on the dollar menu everyday in between classes. I want some healthy cheap snacks I can keep in a lunchbox that can fill me up. Any fast vegetable recipes or other foods / snacks I can pack up???


I used to take an assortment of sandwiches.

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Other than sandwiches what other kind of food would you take to a picnic?


Please include dessert =)

Buy a bottle of wine, get some fresh fruit, brie cheese and make the following:

Sandwich Roll-ups
Forget the soggy sandwiches; try a picnic roll-up. (this recipe can also be adapted for low-carbohydrate lifestyles)

Items to buy:
aluminum foil
large tortillas (use wheat for low-carb)
thinly sliced lunchmeat of your choice
thinly sliced cheeses
whole lettuce leaves
condiments of your choice
The trick to get good roll-ups for this picnic recipe is the order you put the ingredients on the tortilla:

Lay the tortilla flat on a piece of aluminum foil.
Put a very light layer of your condiments on the tortilla. (see this picnic recipe is healthy too!)
Lay the lettuce leaf down. (this is important at this stageâthe meat and cheese will hold it down, otherwise your roll wonât roll correctly and fall apart)
Then simply roll up your picnic roll and secure with a toothpick. For those of you that want to get really fancy with this picnic recipe, you can cut the roll and serve âfinger roll-upsâ.

Picnic Parfait
For those of you that just canât picture a picnic without a dessert, hereâs a wonderful quick and easy picnic recipe that is sure to please.

Items to buy:

Yogurt of your choice
fruit of your choice
granola cereal
clear plastic disposable containers
Simply layer your ingredients as you like and freeze your dessert. When you are ready to go on your picnic, grab the containers. By the time you get where you are going and are ready to eat this picnic recipe, you have a refreshing chilly treat.

What are some good sandwich recipes that you guys make?

Where You

I eat sandwiches everyday now because im trying to stay healthy and i work out everyday. So i eat Steak and chicken at least 4 times a week. Currently on my sandwich i put. Mayo, Ham, Turkey, lettuce, Egg, and Cheese. And i use white bread. (cheap stuff from costco :P) Thank you for your recipes and tips on how to make a Great sandwich.

Turkey Club Sandwich
Serve this double-decker sandwich with carrot and celery sticks and red and green grapes. If you don't like Swiss cheese, substitute any other variety, such as cheddar cheese.
4 tablespoons fat free mayonnaise
4 teaspoons fresh basil, chopped
12 slices sourdough bread, toasted
8 ounces turkey breast lunch meat
6 slices bacon, fried crisp
4 romaine lettuce leaves
8 slices tomato
4 slices Swiss cheese
In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise and basil. Spread 1 teaspoon of mixture on each slice of bread.

Place 1 slice of bread on plate. Top with 1 ounce turkey and 1 1/2 pieces of bacon. Add another lsice of bread, 1 ounce turkey, 1 lettuce leaf, 2 slices tomato and 1 piece of cheese. Top with last slice of bread. Place a toothpick in each half of sandwich and cut down the center. Serve immediately

Tuna Salad Sandwiches
For variety, add cucumber or tomato slices to each sandwich.
2 cans albacore tuna, in water, drained
½ cup celery, diced
½ cup apple, diced
1 teaspoon lemon juice
â cup fat free mayonnaise
4 lettuce leaves
8 slices whole wheat bread
In a small bowl, flake tuna with fork. Add celery, apple, lemon juice and mayonnaise. Stir well.

To serve, place 1 leaf of lettuce on a slice of bread. Top with 1/4 of tuna mixture, spread to edges and top with another slice of bread. Serve immediately.

Philly Steak Sandwich
Cheddar cheese is high in fat and calories, so limit the cheese to 2 tablespoons for each sandwich. For variety, use roast beef that has been rubbed with Italian seasonings.
1 bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 onion, thinly sliced
12 ounces lean roast beef, shaved thin
4 whole wheat buns
½ cup Cheddar cheese, shredded
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a baking pan with cooking spray.

Spray frying pan with cooking spray. Over medium heat, saute the peppers and onions until they soften, about 3 - 5 minutes. Add the roast beef and saute for an additional 2 -3 minutes.

Place 1/4 of the roast beef mixture on each bun and place on baking pan. Top each with 2 tablespoons of cheese. Bake until cheese has melted, about 2 - 4 minutes. Serve immediately.

Mexican Roll Ups
A tasty alternative to sandwiches for a lunchbox or picnic. Roast beef, chopped tomatoes, bell pepper and seasonings are rolled in whole wheat tortillas and wrapped in tin foil. Easy to transport and neat to eat.
6 whole wheat tortillas
6 leaves romaine lettuce
1 ¼ pounds sliced roast beef
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
½ teaspoon ground cumin
For each roll up, tear off about a 15 inch piece of wax paper or aluminum foil. Place the tortilla on the paper or foil. Top with lettuce leaf, about 3 ounces of beef, divide tomatoes pepper, oil, vinegar and cumin evenly over all tortillas.

Begin rolling the paper or foil over the tortilla to encase the filling. Roll until the sandwich is completely rolled.

To eat, peel back the paper or foil

Ham and Egg Salad
1 ½ cups fully cooked ham, cubed
6 egg, hard boiled, chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
½ cup sweet pickle relish
½ cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons honey mustard
Combine first 4 ingredients. Blend together mayo and mustard, add to ham mixture and toss lightly. Chill well before serving

Chicken Tostadas
Chicken breasts make a fine change of pace for tostada filling, along with tomatoes, lettuce and bell pepper. A garnish of salsa with fat free sour cream and grated cheese keep this dish a healthy one.
1 ½ pounds chicken breasts, cooked
3 cups romaine lettuce, torn into bite size pieces
½ cup bell pepper, chopped
½ cup chopped tomatoes
6 flour tortillas
6 tablespoons fat free sour cream
6 tablespoons salsa
6 tablespoons Cheddar cheese, grated
Heat tortillas by placing them in a large dry skillet over medium high heat, turn one until golden and puffy.

Place tortillas on plates, evenly distribute remaining ingredients over tops of toasted tortillas. Serve immediately.

Chicken Salad
3 - 4 cup cooked chicken, diced
1 cup celery, chopped fine
1 cup apple, peeled, cored and chopped fine
1 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
â teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon dried parsley
â teaspoon dill weed
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup sour cream
Combine all ingredients. Chill overnight before serving.

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Sandwich recipes (reasonably simple, healthy, and priced)?


I poked around on the internet, but got overwhelmed and put off. Most recipes
1. call for gourmet ingredients only sold at Central Market
2. are unhealthy ("add 1/2c of mayo..."),
3. are complicated ("preheat the oven to 375 while you caramelize the onions...")
or 4. overdo the concept of 'cheap' (pb&j, bologna, etc)

I don't mind some prep work and spending - I just want things to be reasonable, you know? I want something tasty that I can throw together in <30min that won't make me fat, broke, or have a heart condition. Thanks! =)

grilled cheese- but with swiss and green apple slices

toasted turkey and thick bacon with fresh spinach, tomato and red onion

chicken or tuna salad...with spinach or lettuce

roast beef with whatever you like on it...

It's good and inexpensive to experiment with different kinds of mustard, vegetables, breads and meats. I Love alphalpha sprouts on almost anything and ciabatta can make wraps instead, it's easy to find some good flavored tortillas, and if sandwiches are boring you, switch to experimenting with salads for a week or so. Even fruit salad. You can also do a lot with yogurt...

Find a grocery store that has a great selection of vegetables at decent prices, where I am Fred Meyer has the best selection for the best price so I only buy from there. Wal-Mart always has bananas for 28 cents a pound, so I only buy them there....

I'll give you my Very favorite sandwich recipe that I made up and submitted to AllRecipes (I don't think they took that one though...I think there was a similar recipe they already had). It's not exactly what you are looking for, but it's great and you can make the stuff for it in larger quantities if you like it and just keep it in the fridge. The pesto sauce and artichoke/olive stuff can stay good in the fridge about a week.


* 1 package of Hoagie Style rolls
* 1 small jar black olives, sliced
* 2 cans artichokes, drained
* 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
* 3 tbsp olive oil
* sun-dried tomato spread
* 1 package of creamy pesto sauce


1. Prepare creamy pesto sauce according to package directions.
2. In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat.
3. Add drained artichokes and black olives to skillet, stirring often for about 15 minutes, while breaking up artichokes.
4. Pre-heat oven to 350.
5. Add the feta cheese to artichoke and olive mixture, heat an additional 5 minutes or until cheese is melted and mixed in.
6. Split and toast the hoagie rolls in the oven, about 5 minutes.
7. Spread the sun-dried tomato spread on the bottom side of the hoagie roll, layer a generous amount of the artichoke mixture on top of that, drizzle with about 2 tbsp of the creamy pesto sauce on top, add the top piece of the roll, and enjoy!

What are some really healthy meal recipes/ideas?

I like to exercise and cook, but I need some more ideas what I can make through my day: breakfast, lunch or dinner recipe ideas.

wraps are easy and healthy. you can make them for any meal and put whatever you want inside.
there is also grilled chicken with any kind of salad
tuna salad (sandwich or crackers) only use a tiny bit of mayo and squeeze the juice from one lime in it.
any lean meat on the grill is healthy (if it's too cold, broil it), serve with steamed veggies.
chili or vegetable soup (not high up on the healthy list, but not too bad)
fresh fruit, boiled eggs and cheese are good
you could also keep some fresh veggies already cut and cleaned in the fridge to have as snacks with ranch or any other dip

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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Healthy Chicken Sandwich recipe ?


Heyya...if someone could type an easy to make..or a bit tough....healthy yet tasty chicken sandwich recipe then that would be really helpful. Thanks a lot!
@ Edit : Ok I changed my doesn't have to be THIS easy!
Spicy...tangy is the main criteria

Well its not so hard really, here what I eat everyday for dinner since im on diet:

Spicy Chicken Sandwich:

First you buy those packages at Walmart or something that have like 5 pieces of chicken breast. I like to pick the Tyson brand. Each serving is 110 calories and around 5-10 calories from fat and 26g of protein, which is very good.

Then buy Bimbo Soft Wheat bread, or if you can find it, buy Bimbo 100% whole wheat. I buy mine off H.E.B. dunno if you have that store where you live. 2 slices are 120 calories, 10 calories from fat.

And finally a spice called Cayenne Pepper Powder. Its very healthy and helps increase metabolism. Maybe perhaps you would like to add a little pepper too?

You can add lettuce or avocado if you wish!

Just sprinkle the desired amount of Cayenne Pepper on the chicken breast & cook it on high. I cook mine without any oil because it already contains fat which works well to not stick so much.

And vuala, you have a very delicious chicken sandwich for less than 300 calories and high in protein & wheat

And if you cant find the Bimbo brand, make sure the bread you buy does NOT have high fructose corn syrup. Many breads do.

EDIT: Hmm well if you prefer could always add a little lemon. Maybe perhaps you would like to cook the chicken breast in lemon juice or celery leaves for a change?

But whatever you do, do not add mayo, mayo is never healthy even though it claims to be "low fat".

Healthy sandwich recipes?

Q. Any really healthy sandwich recipes? NOTE: I'm on a diet, so no fattening things! PS NOTE: I'm 14, keep it easy. Something that I can take to school!
NOTE: I don't eat pig at all. Also I don't want meat/chicken in it xx

Choose whole wheat bread, because it's more nutritious than white bread, plus it keeps you feeling full for longer.

Add some salad (lettuce, sliced tomato and cucumber, for example) and then a sliced boiled egg, some smoked ham (or a non-meat alternative, something in slices) or some sliced low-fat cheese, then add some low-fat mayonnaise or salad dressing. Wrap the sandwich in foil to keep it really fresh. You can also take an apple or orange.

Make sure the salad makes up half the filling though, because that bulks out the sandwich and is almost calorie-free. If you want to make something you can scoop into the salad, you could finely chop some celery and onion, and stir it with reduced-fat salad dressing plus a can of tuna or some chopped boiled egg, and use that.

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What are some good recipes for healthy eggs?


I'm cutting down on the calories so what are some good recipes of healthy eggs.I have only(the only things for eggs):grade A milk,a LARGE thing of large eggs,turkey,all types of shredded cheeses,brown and serve beef sausage,parsley,black pepper,salt,and cinnamon.I might have more things you might use for eggs so please just give me as many recipes as you can.THANKS!!

Chicken or Turkey Salad Sandwich

2 skinless, boneless chicken or turkey breast
4 eggs
1 red apple, diced (optional)
3 green onions, chopped
1/3 cup relish
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 stalks celery, thinly sliced
1 (8 ounce) can pineapple chunks, juice reserved
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Salt and pepper


1.Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add chicken or turkey and cook until thoroughly cooked and no longer pink inside, approximately 20 minutes. Drain, cool and chop.

2.Meanwhile, place eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Cover and let eggs stand in hot water for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from hot water, rinse with cold water, 2 minutes, peel and slice.

3.In a large bowl, mix together the chicken, sliced eggs, apple, onions, relish, mayonnaise, celery, pineapple (with just a little juice for flavor), cilantro, seasoning to taste.

Serve on bread, buns, pitas or wraps with shredded lettuce, sliced tomato and any other fresh sliced veggies.


Turkey Omelette

4 eggs
1 green onion, sliced
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
1/4 teaspoon dried tarragon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1/2 cup cooked turkey meat, shredded
1/2 cup seeded diced tomato ( you can add sauteed onion, peppers, mushrooms, steamed broccoli)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese


In a bowl, beat eggs, onion, parsley, tarragon, salt and pepper. Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat; add egg mixture. As eggs set, lift edges, letting uncooked portion flow underneath. Sprinkle with turkey, tomatoes and cheese. When the eggs are set, remove from the heat; fold omelet in half.

This would also work with the sausage instead of the turkey, just brown then add to the omelette.


Deviled Eggs

6 eggs
1/2 teaspoon paprika
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder
Salt and pepper


1.Place eggs in a pot of salted water. Bring the water to a boil, and let eggs cook in boiling water until they are hard boiled, approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Drain eggs, and let cool.

2.Cut eggs in half, lengthwise. Remove the egg yolks and mash them together in a small mixing bowl. Mix in the paprika, mayonnaise, dry mustard, salt ans pepper. Spoon mixture into the egg shells, chill for 1 hour and serve.

(You can add cooked, chopped bacon and shredded cheddar cheese to the egg yolk mixture if desired.)


Breakfast Buns

4 sausages, cooked and sliced
1 tablespoon butter or margernie
4 eggs
2 green onions, sliced
1/3 cup milk
salt, pepper
cheddar cheese
2-4 slices tomato


1. Heat butter in skillet. Whisk eggs and green onions with milk, season with salt and pepper.
2. Scramble fry eggs, when almost doen add cooked, sliced sausage, top with cheese. Remove from heat, cover 2 minutes, or until cheese melts.
3. Toast buns, (if desired) add sliced tomato, top with egg/sausage mixture, top with top bun.
Also works with cooked, crumbled bacon.


Fried Egg Sandwich - serves 4


2 teaspoons butter
4 eggs
4 slices processed American cheese
8 slices toasted white bread
salt and pepper to taste
2- 4 tablespoons ketchup


1.In a large skillet, melt butter over medium high heat. Crack eggs in pan and cook to desired firmness. Just before eggs are cooked, place a slice of cheese over each egg.

2.After cheese has melted, place each egg on a toasted slice of bread. Season eggs with salt and pepper. Spread ketchup on remaining slices of bread and cover eggs with bread to make 4 sandwiches. Serve warm.
(Can add slices of cooked bacon or ham)

Healthy Recipes?


What are some healthy recipes that you make for full course breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for yourself and your family? What are easy to prep recipes that are still healthy? =) Thanks!

Houston's Grilled Chicken Salad
Lime Dressing:
1/2 cup lime juice
4 teaspoons honey mustard
7 1/2 tablespoons honey
4 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves, minced fine
1 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
Peanut Sauce:
4 tablespoons Peanut butter
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons hot water
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 tablespoon ground ginger
Mix ingredients for lime dressing, then mix ingredients for peanut sauce.
Salad ingredients for Houston's grilled chicken salad: mixed greens,
carrots, thin tortilla strips, and grilled chicken breasts sliced in thin
slices. Mix the salad ingredients with the lime dressing. Drizzle peanut
sauce on top.

Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup corn flake crumbs
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 boneless, skinless chicken breast half
oil for frying
3 cups chopped romaine lettuce
1 cup red cabbage
1 cup Napa cabbage
1/2 carrot, julienned or shredded
1 green onion, chopped
1 tablespoon sliced almonds
1/3 cup chow mein noodles
3 tablespoons honey
1 1/2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Grey Poupon Dijon mustard
1/8 teaspoon sesame oil
Prepare dressing ingredients by mixing in a small bowl. Refrigerate while
preparing salad.
Cut each chicken breast into 5 strips. In one bowl, beat egg with milk.
In another bowl, combine flour with corn flake crumbs, salt and pepper.
Preheat oil over medium heat.
Dip individual chicken pieces in egg mixture and then roll in the flour
mixture. Fry chicken until browned, drain and set aside.
Prepare salad by tossing the chopped romaine with the chopped red
cabbage, Napa cabbage, and carrots. Sprinkle sliced green onion on top of
the lettuce. Sprinkle almonds over the salad, then the chow mein noodles.
Cut the chicken into small chunks. Place the chicken onto the salad
forming a pile in the middle. Serve with salad dressing on the side.

Applebee's Club House Grill Sandwich
2 thick slices of french bread
softened butter
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 slices deli turkey breast
2 slices deli ham
2 slices tomato
2 tsps. bullseye barbecue sauce
Butter one slice of bread and put butter side down into preheated skillet,
on medium heat. Spread the up side of the slice with mayo. Sprinkle on half
of cheese. Heat the turkey and ham slices in the same skillet for about 30
seconds. Lay the turkey on the cheese, then the tomato. Spread bbq sauce
over tomato, then lay on the ham, sprinkle the rest of the cheese over ham.
Butter the second slice of bread on one side and put on top, with butter
side up. The first bread slice should be brown, flip sandwich over and brown
the second side for 2â3 minutes, or till golden brown. Remove from skillet,
cut in half diagonally and serve with additional bbq sauce.

Wendy's Chicken Caesar Fresh Stuffed Pita
1/2 cup water
1/8 teaspoon dry, unflavored gelatin
1/3 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon finely minced red bell pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
1/8 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper
dash parsley
dash oregano
dash thyme
dash basil
1 tablespoon grated Romano cheese
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons egg substitute
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
6 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
1/4 cup red cabbage, shredded
1/4 cup carrot, shredded
4 pita breads
4 teaspoons shredded, fresh parmesan
Make the dressing by first dissolving the gelatin in the water.
Heat the mixture in the microwave on high for two minutes or
until it begins to rapidly boil. Add the vinegar, then whisk
while adding the oil. Add bell pepper, salt, garlic powder,
worcestershire, black pepper, parsley, oregano, thyme and basil.
Let dressing cool for about 15 minutes before adding cheeses and
egg substitute. Whisk until slightly thicker, then chill.
Overnight refrigeration makes the dressing thicker.
Preheat a barbecue or indoor grill to medium heat. Salt and
pepper the chicken, then grill it for 5 minutes per side, or
until done. Remove chicken from the grill and dice it.
While chicken cooks, prepare the salad by combining the
Wendy's Chicken Caesar Fresh Stuffed Pita

Good luck, hope this helped!

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Healthy/Easy recipes?


Ok all you cooks out there I need some help!

I want to cook my family an absolutely delicious meal that is extremely healthy and made up of cancer-fighting ingredients, weight-loss friendly foods, and just an overall extremely healthy, yet easy meal.

I would prefereably like it to be things that most people have in their house or ingredients that arent to expensive to buy.

Do you know of any drink recipie, main course and 2-3 side dish meal like this?

I appreciate it so much!

Healthy dinner? No problem! ;)

Here's a menu for a soup-sandwich combo! Start with Chilled Tomato Soup, next comes Turkey Veggie Wraps and a side of Tangy Coleslaw. Also included is a delicious smoothie recipe =)

Chilled Tomato Soup:
1/4 cup olive oil
3 cups peeled and thinly sliced onions
3 tablespoons thinly sliced garlic
2 bay leaves
4 pounds firm, heirloom tomatoes, cored, seeded, and cut into eighths
1 tablespoon plus 1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves
4 cups water
2 cups chicken stock
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Hot sauce

In a large saucepan over medium heat, heat the olive oil. When the oil is hot, add the onions and saute until soft, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and bay leaves and cook for 5 more minutes. Add the tomatoes, 1 tablespoon salt, and thyme and cook for 15 minutes or until the tomatoes soften. Add the water and stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and continue to cook until the tomatoes are very tender, about 10 minutes. Remove the bay leaves. Using a handheld blender, puree the soup until smooth. Chill the soup. Add 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and hot sauce to taste, as desired.

Turkey Veggie Wraps:
2 cups coarsely chopped smoked turkey breast (about 8 ounces)
2 cups gourmet salad greens
1/2 cup fresh corn kernels (about 1 ear)
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions
3 tablespoons light ranch dressing
4 (8-inch) flour tortillas

Combine first 6 ingredients in a large bowl, tossing well to coat. Warm tortillas according to package directions. Top each tortilla with 1 cup turkey mixture; roll up. Cut each wrap in half diagonally.

Tangy Coleslaw:
Combine 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise, 1/4 cup plain fat-free yogurt, 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Toss with half of a 16-ounce package cabbage-and-carrot coleslaw; cover and chill.

Yogurt n Fruit Smoothie:
2 cups fat-free milk
1 (8-ounce) container vanilla low-fat yogurt
1/2 cup thawed pineapple-orange juice concentrate
2 cups frozen strawberries
1 banana, coarsely chopped

Process all ingredients in a blender until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides. Serve immediately

Five minute healthy meals?


I am trying to compile healthy recipes for my mother for Christmas. One problem she has with eating healthy is she feels it takes too long (not saying I agree with her). She has health problems which have definitely been worsened by her diet. I really love her and have been trying to get her to eat healthy for years.

Another thing I am going to include is a list of foods that I can cook before she gets home, so that she doesn't have to worry about time.

She wants to eat healthy, but she just doesn't know how.

Does anyone have any ideas on fast meals that are also healthy? Some ideas I had were tuna sandwiches, soup, canned vegetables, baked potatoes, tacos, mashed potatoes, and fruit salad. I also included snacks, such as yogurt, bananas, apples, and carrots.

If anyone has any ideas or knows where I could find some recipes, I would be very happy to know.
Thanks, foodieNY, those are wonderful ideas :).
Are you saying salad, tuna sandwiches, baked potatoes, soup, and canned vegetables cannot make healthy meals?
Are you also saying that those three-minute, processed "diet" meals are actually healthy?
Yes, I realize that preparation is very important to making foods healthy. I am thinking of also including some tips on how to make them healthier.


To be honest, even if she eats these foods in the less-healthy way, it would be better than the stuff she eats now.
And no, I do not mean just "low-fat."
Been There:
Thank you so much. Your answer is very useful.
I forgot about the lost vitamins thing. I think I will write a note about that.

Tuna sandwiches: are moderately healthy, especially if you use low-fat or non-fat mayonnaise and if you put lettuce on them. Don't eat tuna too often, not more than once a week, because of the high Mercury content.

Soup, if made from scratch is very healthy. If canned, most of the vitamins have been destroyed by the canning process. Same with eating canned vegetables. The healthiest way to eat vegetables is to eat them fresh and raw. Second healthiest is steaming fresh vegetables or cooking up frozen vegetables.

The healthy part of potatoes is the part right up against the outside skin. Most of the rest of the potato is quickly-digested starch. While it has some vitamins in it, the speed with which the starch goes into our bloodstream can be bad for our pancreas. Mashed potatoes, unless cook and mashed WITH the skin left on, are not very healthy at all.

Fruit is good, but canned fruit salad - like vegetables - has lost most of its vitamins.

Tacoes are relatively healthy, especially if packed with lettuce and tomato, and you go easy on the cheese (which is high in fat and salt).

Good 5-minute meals:
1. Microwaved instant oatmeal, with fresh berries and vanilla yogurt.
2. Whole wheat pita, sliced in half and opened into a pocket, stuffed with sliced chicken breast, sliced green pepper, sliced cucumber, sliced lettuce, and just a bit of low-fat Ranch salad dressing. Served with a cup of milk.
3. Scrambled eggs, buttered whole wheat toast, fresh sliced tomato, glass of milk. But don't eat eggs more than twice a week.

Generally, healthy eating should have daily portions of:
1. Protein: chicken, fish, peanut butter.
2. Oils and healthy fats. Cook with olive oil. Margarine. You don't need much of these, but you do need a bit every day. 10 almonds a day provide both oils and some protein. Raw walnuts have Omega 3 in them.
3. Whole grains: Brown bread, brown rice, brown basmati rice
4. Vegetables: raw fruit is the best.
5 Fruit. Not too much, it's high in sugar.
6. Milk and yogurt.

Stirfry is an excellent way to get good nutrition. I add chicken or shrimp for protein, although sometimes I will make a beef stir fry. I add whatever veggies I have on hand: broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, carrot, celery, bok choy, cabbage, bean sprouts, garlic, onion, zucchini, mushrooms. And I serve it over brown rice. Sometimes I cook up rice noodles instead. Or both rice and rice noodles.

Your mother is an adult.
She needs to do what she needs to do .. this is how adults behave.
If she needs to eat properly, and if that takes more than 5 minutes to prepare, then she needs to take more than 5 minutes to make her meals.
This is not optional.
If she cannot or will not take care of herself, then she can no longer remain within her home and will have to go into assisted living.
The choice is hers.

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Healthy Recipe Ideas?


Hi! I am 16 and want to become alot healthier! Anyway I was wondering if someone can tell me some really fast to make breakfast and lunches to grab and go (can be made night before but still needs to be fast to prepare next morning) Also I was wondering if anyone knew any healthy filling meals and snacks that are moderatley fast to make. Also if anyone could reccomend a good cookbook that has all healthy meals so i don't have to worry about looking at the calorie count or anything and just add ingredients to the shopping list. Sorry if some of my scentences make no sense, it is midnight and I am on a cold medicine that's keeping me awake. Thanks!

Thats great that you want to become a lot healthier :) If you can try to go for natural organic foods.

Here are some healthy meal ideas:


~ Oatmeal - for a quick cook oatmeal you could try McCann Irish quick cooking oatmeal
Topping ideas: berries/fruit, nut butter, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, cinnamon, natural jam, honey, agave nectar, milk or non-dairy milk or greek yogurt or unsweetened organic fruit sauce, etc.
* Non-dairy milk like - almond, soy, rice or coconut milk.

~ Healthy cereal (like Kashi or Nature's Path organic) with milk or non-dairy milk or greek yogurt. You can top with fresh berries/fruit.

~ Greek yogurt with fresh fruit or a side of fruit salad. You can also add in nuts, seeds or ground flax seed to the yogurt. Or a parfait with greek yogurt, berries, organic granola or muesli.

~ Muesli with yogurt & fruit salad

Lunch & Dinner:

~ Salad: mixed baby greens, baby romaine, Italian salad mix, romaine lettuce, baby spinach, etc. with things like cherry tomatoes/tomato, cucumber, dried cranberries, goat cheese, walnut crumbles or almond slithers, grated carrot, bell pepper, salad dressing or olive oil/vinegar, etc.
* For more protein:
- Chickpeas or mixed beans
- Tofu or tempeh
- Sliced hard boiled eggs

~ Sandwich.
(On whole grain bread like multigrain, ezekiel, rye, whole wheat pita, whole grain tortilla, etc.)
- Basil pesto, tomato, baby spinach & mozzarella melt
- Falafel & hummus in whole wheat pita
- Almond or Peanut butter & jam - nut butter with no added sugar
- Egg & cheese
- Egg whites & baby spinach in a whole grain tortilla with cream cheese
- Chickpea wrap (with things like grated carrot, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, mixed baby greens,bell pepper, salad dressing, etc.)
- Black bean wrap with salsa & some cheese; or a quesadilla on a whole grain tortilla
- Veggie burger
- Hummus & veggie: hummus, lettuce or spinach, grated carrot, bell pepper, sliced cherry tomatoes in a whole wheat pita or inside a whole grain tortilla wrap
- Grilled veggies with goat cheese or with hummus
- Tofu or tempeh, hummus or veganaise, spinach or lettuce, tomato, grated carrot, etc.
- Rye bread with avocado and hard boiled eggs

~ Vegetables stir fried in olive oil with tofu or tempeh, with wild/brown rice or whole grain or brown rice noodles or quinoa.

~ Roasted sweet potato and vegetables with olive oil and herbs

~ Lentil vegetable soup

~ Omelets with veggies & cheese - eggs are great for protein try them boiled, poached, scrambled, etc...with healthy toast, veggies, fruit, cottage cheese, etc.

~ Whole grain or brown rice pasta with basil pesto, olive oil or tomato sauce + veggies, goat cheese/cheese, etc
- Or a pasta salad with things like chickpeas, goat cheese, cherry tomatoes, veggies, etc.

~ Veggies with wild/brown rice and cubes of tofu, tempeh or beans

Snack ideas:

Snack ideas:
~ Veggies with hummus - veggies such as raw carrot sticks, cucumber slices or sticks, cherry tomatoes sliced, lightly steamed broccoli, slices of bell pepper, celery sticks, etc. If you want you can slice whole wheat pita into triangles for dipping.
~ Veggies
~ Greek yogurt, yogurt or goat's milk yogurt
~ Hard boiled egg + cottage cheese, greek yogurt or almonds
~ Cottage cheese with fruit
~ Apple or pear, almonds
~ Fruit
~ Fruit/berries + greek or regular yogurt
~ Apple slices dipped in nut butter
~ Whole grain Kashi crackers with cheese or hummus
~ Frozen grapes
~ Nuts, seeds or trail mix
~ All natural popcorn, sweet potato chips, whole wheat pita chips, etc.
~ Healthy cereal
~ Healthy cereal + milk of your choice of yogurt, you can also add in berries/fruit
~ Plain greek yogurt with fruit
~ Kashi granola bar, Kind fruit & nut bar, Lara bar
~ Buckwheat waffle or pancake with toppings like nut butter, natural jam, cream cheese, honey, agave nectar, berries/fruit, yogurt
~ Fruit salad + yogurt or cottage cheese
~ Homemade smoothie: using fruit/berries of your choice with milk or non-dairy milk with yogurt, you can also add ground flax seed

Recipe ideas:

~ Quick hummus & vegetable pitas

~ Baked sweet potato fries

~ Oven roasted brussels sprouts

~ Spinach & strawberry salad

~ Easy baked tofu

~ Grilled veggie & goat cheese pitas

~ Easy baked penne with ricotta & basil

~ Apple berry baked oatmeal

~ Oat date bars

~ Apple cinnamon oat squares

I hope this helps :)


Healthy recipes?????

anyone know any healthy dishes for kids??
I make lunch for my sisters when they get home and I need some ideas.
I don't know how to make meat so I would prefer vegetarian dishes
or they could have lunch meat.

How about Turkey Roll Ups-
1 (8 ounce) package fat-free cream cheese
1/2 cup reduced-fat mayonnaise
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon dill weed
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
10 (6 inch) flour tortillas, warmed
1 medium onion, chopped
10 (1 ounce) slices cooked deli turkey breast
Shredded lettuce
In a small mixing bowl, combine the first six ingredients; beat until smooth. Spread over the tortillas. Sprinkle with onion; top with turkey and lettuce. Roll up tightly jelly-roll style; serve immediately.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving (1 each) equals 259 calories, 9 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 17 mg cholesterol, 701 mg sodium, 33 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 13 g protein. Diabetic Exchanges: 2 starch, 1 lean meat, 1 fat.

Grilled Sourd

Best sandwich recipes!!!?


I am looking for the best sandwich recipes that the people of this website have to offer. And if you want to know my reason it is just because I wanted to taste something... different. And also I only want serious awnsers !!!

West Coast Sandwich
Layered between slices of whole-grain bread, creamy avocados, fresh sprouts, and a snappy goat-cheese spread add color and character to our vegetarian Healthy Californian.

East Coast Sandwich
Two on toast: Our Pilgrim Sandwich (left), sometimes called the Miles Standish, assembles the flavors we've come to associate with Thanksgiving Dinner between slices of pumpernickel bread. Watch turkey leftovers disappear when combined with Fresh Cranberry Compote and sage-flavored cream cheese. Thought to have originated in the club cars of American passenger trains, the Clubhouse Sandwich (right)--best known simply as the "Club"--stacks three tiers of toasted white bread with classic chicken salad, crisp bacon, crunchy lettuce, and juicy tomato.

Kentucky Sandwich
The Louisville Hot Brown was first served at the Brown Hotel, in Louisville, Ky., in the 1930s. Crumbled bacon and a white Cheddar sauce top off this open-face sandwich, which is layered with sliced turkey and tomato.

Healthy Vegatarian recipes?

Jane Doe.

Hey, does anyone know any good vegatarian recipes? Relatively easy to make, and something healthy. Anything with proteins and nutrients that vegatarians need. Also, do you know any foods that are good for vegatarians, like beans, eggs, and lentils? By the way, i'm 15, if that gives you a better idea of what i should eat.
Thank you. :)

I just made an awesome sandwich today which is super healthy AND delicious! It's inspired from a sandwich I ate at a really good Italian restaurant.

Grilled Portabella Mushroom Sandwich:

1 portabella mushroom cap, rinsed well and patted dry
1 jarred roasted red bell pepper
2 slices fresh mozzarella cheese
3 slices plum tomato (or any other ripe, red, juicy tomato)
1 tsp basil pesto
1 multi-grain baguette or roll

Marinate portabella mushroom in some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and black pepper for 10-15 minutes. Then grill the portabella mushroom for 5 minutes on each side or until tender. Place in sandwich bread and top with roasted bell peppers and sliced mozzarella. Put in toaster oven open faced until cheese melts. Then add sliced tomato, close, and enjoy! Yummy.

If you don't like mushrooms, you can substitute them for eggplants.

For eggs, I would recommend a veggie omelet. My favorite is a Spinach omelet. I just blanch some (about 1 1/2 cups raw) spinach, drain, and squeeze dry. Then crack two eggs in a bowl and add the spinach. You can also add some feta cheese as well if you like. Then heat up some olive oil in a pan (about 1-2 tbsp, just so the omelet doesn't stick) and add your egg mixture. Cook for about 3 minutes or until you can easily flip the omelet. Cook for an additional 30 seconds to 1 minute or until omelet is not runny. Serve with toasted whole-grain bread and you have a healthy delicious meal!

You can also make an easy vegetable sandwich with hummus. Just get some whole-grain pita bread, spread your favorite hummus inside, add some crumbled feta cheese, some sliced olives, cucumber, and tomato, and some romaine lettuce and you're done. This sandwich is the best to make when your in a hurry and don't have time to cook up a lunch.

For beans, you can buy a can of black beans and make a tex-mex (Mexican-inspired) salad. Just mix a 1/2 cup rinsed and drained canned black beans with chopped romaine lettuce, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, red bell pepper, cooked corn kernels, and drizzle with lime-cilantro salad dressing (look for it in your grocery store or use this recipe: Toss to combine. Add some corn tortilla chips to it if you don't mind the extra fat and calories. =)

Hope this helped!

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What is a healthy, easy to make lunch menu?


Iâd like to try out a menu with plenty carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and preferably low-fat, that is and easy and quick to cook. When I get home at lunch I usually have little time to prepare food, but Iâd like some new ideas for a healthy menu. Thank you in advance!

I would suggest you to make a sandwich. Based on your preferences, you wish to have carbohydrates which you can get from the bread, vitamins and minerals from the vegetables and meat inside the sandwich.

Here's a very simple recipe to make a sandwich.

Smoked Beef and Cheese Sandwich

Lettuce head
mayo or any salad dressing you prefer
smoked beef
sliced cheese
breads (wheat bread would be best)


* Spread mayo or dressing of your choice on the breads
* put all the ingredients on top of a slice of bread
* top the second slice of bread on top
* give it a gentle press just to bind all of them together
* and there you have it.


Easy healthy recipes?


Im looking for some easy healthy recipes. something quick and nothing too special. I mean i eat tuna straight from a can or mix it with fat free yogurt and spread some on bread. I eat cottage cheese on bread (Fat free). Im looking for simple things like that, where i get some good protein while avoiding fat and keeping the carbs rather low. Im not a fan of salads however i do like mixing chopped up vegetables as long as i stay away from the things i dont like.

Ill list some things i do not like:
regular lettuce
raw onion

Now some things i do like
fish (all of them)

Im tring to lose weight and im no chef so i need to come up with ideas so i stop eating the same 3 things every day. Also some healthy deserts would be nice for a snake. i found cinnamon and cottage cheese was actually quite good. something similar that stays very healthy.

I don't know if you like yogurt, but kefir is a great alternative to yogurt - more healthful punch and great if wanting to lose weight. You may want to check into it. You can get it lowfat and drink like a shake or add nutty granola for breakfast. Kefir will also help your digestion and keep bacteria balanced while you diet.

You can also put some kefir in the blender with your favorite fruits and make a great morning drink.

Cucumbers make a great sandwich! We use them here on sandwiches in the summer when they are in season.

Try stir frying your favorite veggies with a bit of chicken. Very easily done by just adding some coconut oil (healthful fats) to a pan and tossing in your favorite chopped veggies and chicken. To season add a bit of soy sauce and giner. Light, easy and served on a bed of rice it makes a great quick low cal meal with lots of nutrients.

Take care with the fish and tuna. Most are contaminated with mercury, which the body doesn't like to eliminate. There are dietary guidelines based on the mercury content. I believe tuna they say no more than once a week.

The cinnamon is a great add. Put it on whatever you want. It aids digestion and will help with your weight loss goals.

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Filling, easy, quick, healthy vegetarian breakfast recipes?


I'm not vegetarian, but I'd prefer not to eat meat for breakfast. I try to eat healthy. The morning is the worst for me, becuase I wake up very early, so I eat breakfast early. What I eat just is not satisying, and I end up feeling sick with hunger by 10:00 am. Here's an example: this morning I ate a bowl of cornflakes with skim milk for breakfast. An hour later I ate a banana with just a little peanut butter (less then a tablespoon.) I started feeling sick an hour after that, so I ate half of a tomato, hummus and lettuce sandwich that was supposed to be for lunch. I was still hungry after that and had a small piece of a large sourdough pretzel an hour before lunch. I started feeling a little better, but was still very hungry at lunch. I'm willing to eat every few hours, but I want to be prepared, and I hate feeling sick with hunger. Does anyone have any ideas or recipes that I can eat in/throughout the morning that will fill me up, and is also healthy?

You aren't getting enough protein. I have learned to do quick, filling savory breakfasts I can bring with to work.
Take thin wheat pita bread (joseph's works well, it's soft and thin, has omega oil and protein) spread with hummus, add cheese, olives, sprouts, shredded carrots and hot sauce if you like. Roll and wrap. Works to make the night before.
Sanwiches... Good quality wheat bread, peanut butter, honey, sliced banana
Boil some eggs one night. Take the leftovers and make egg salad:
chopped eggs, mayo of your choice (I like light canola, much healthier) Dijon mustard, chopped celery a little cayenne, salt and pepper. Add swiss cheese.
Read the ingredients on your breakfast foods; cereal, fruit, pretzels are solid carbs. They spike your blood sugar, then it drops because there is no protein. That's when you get shaky, naseaus and headachy. If that does happen, drink fruit juice, and eat something right away.
No time? Buy crackers and bags of cubed cheese. It's a balance of carb/protein. Buy trail bars and peanut butter to spread. Mixed nuts are solid protein. Bags of trail mix (with seeds, nuts and dried fruit) are also good to have. All of these things (except cheese!) hold up in a bag or drawer.

Hope this helps!

Quick and easy sandwich recipes?


Any kind will do.

Sierra, I had left over turkey sandwich today with gravy added cheese, and then put it in the toaster oven to warm up, OMG.

A sandwich that I had in Australia, and I always make now, is a smoked ham and salad. Sierra, this is so healthy and awesome, start off with a slice of cheese, then a couple of slices of smoked leg ham, lettuce, tomato, shredded carrot, cucumber sliced beets, shredded radish, just a little salt and pepper, and I spread a mayo mustard mix on the bread.

But all you need to do, is let your imagination run wild.

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Monday, June 2, 2014

Healthy sandwich recipes?

Q. Any really healthy sandwich recipes? NOTE: I'm on a diet, so no fattening things! PS NOTE: I'm 14, keep it easy. Something that I can take to school!
NOTE: I don't eat pig at all. Also I don't want meat/chicken in it xx

Choose whole wheat bread, because it's more nutritious than white bread, plus it keeps you feeling full for longer.

Add some salad (lettuce, sliced tomato and cucumber, for example) and then a sliced boiled egg, some smoked ham (or a non-meat alternative, something in slices) or some sliced low-fat cheese, then add some low-fat mayonnaise or salad dressing. Wrap the sandwich in foil to keep it really fresh. You can also take an apple or orange.

Make sure the salad makes up half the filling though, because that bulks out the sandwich and is almost calorie-free. If you want to make something you can scoop into the salad, you could finely chop some celery and onion, and stir it with reduced-fat salad dressing plus a can of tuna or some chopped boiled egg, and use that.

Healthy/Easy recipes?


Ok all you cooks out there I need some help!

I want to cook my family an absolutely delicious meal that is extremely healthy and made up of cancer-fighting ingredients, weight-loss friendly foods, and just an overall extremely healthy, yet easy meal.

I would prefereably like it to be things that most people have in their house or ingredients that arent to expensive to buy.

Do you know of any drink recipie, main course and 2-3 side dish meal like this?

I appreciate it so much!

Healthy dinner? No problem! ;)

Here's a menu for a soup-sandwich combo! Start with Chilled Tomato Soup, next comes Turkey Veggie Wraps and a side of Tangy Coleslaw. Also included is a delicious smoothie recipe =)

Chilled Tomato Soup:
1/4 cup olive oil
3 cups peeled and thinly sliced onions
3 tablespoons thinly sliced garlic
2 bay leaves
4 pounds firm, heirloom tomatoes, cored, seeded, and cut into eighths
1 tablespoon plus 1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves
4 cups water
2 cups chicken stock
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Hot sauce

In a large saucepan over medium heat, heat the olive oil. When the oil is hot, add the onions and saute until soft, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and bay leaves and cook for 5 more minutes. Add the tomatoes, 1 tablespoon salt, and thyme and cook for 15 minutes or until the tomatoes soften. Add the water and stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and continue to cook until the tomatoes are very tender, about 10 minutes. Remove the bay leaves. Using a handheld blender, puree the soup until smooth. Chill the soup. Add 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and hot sauce to taste, as desired.

Turkey Veggie Wraps:
2 cups coarsely chopped smoked turkey breast (about 8 ounces)
2 cups gourmet salad greens
1/2 cup fresh corn kernels (about 1 ear)
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions
3 tablespoons light ranch dressing
4 (8-inch) flour tortillas

Combine first 6 ingredients in a large bowl, tossing well to coat. Warm tortillas according to package directions. Top each tortilla with 1 cup turkey mixture; roll up. Cut each wrap in half diagonally.

Tangy Coleslaw:
Combine 1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise, 1/4 cup plain fat-free yogurt, 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Toss with half of a 16-ounce package cabbage-and-carrot coleslaw; cover and chill.

Yogurt n Fruit Smoothie:
2 cups fat-free milk
1 (8-ounce) container vanilla low-fat yogurt
1/2 cup thawed pineapple-orange juice concentrate
2 cups frozen strawberries
1 banana, coarsely chopped

Process all ingredients in a blender until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides. Serve immediately

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

can u give me a simple,healthy,snacky meal?(recipe)?

Q. b'coz we wanna do party and the theme is healthy meal and somesort like sandwich and biscuit

Guacamole - VERY delicious and very healthy

3 avocados - peeled, pitted, and mashed
1 lime, juiced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup diced onion
3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
2 roma (plum) tomatoes, diced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 pinch ground cayenne pepper (optional)

In a medium bowl, mash together the avocados, lime juice, and salt. Mix in onion, cilantro, tomatoes, and garlic. Stir in cayenne pepper. Refrigerate 1 hour for best flavor, or serve immediately.serves 4.

Or you can make a nice chicken avocado salad/sandwich,

Or a nice shrimp avocado salad/sandwich.

or a turkey breast sandwich.


there are also more healthy recipes here - there are the top rated, so all of them are good;


Healthy scacks for a teen party?


I'm 15 and love to entertain friends. We usually order pizza and eat chips and all that stuff, but I've been dieting for a few months and I'm doing well with it. I want to get food to benefit me and things my friends will like. This is what I'm thinking so far.

Snack: Sun Chips - Cheddar harvest
Chips and Salsa

Movie Meal: No idea, I really need suggestions for that. Frozen foods would be best.

I wanna make a cake for a friend whose leaving for a different school and whose moving so if anyone has any healthy cake/brownie recipe I'd love to see it. Or vegan? I think thats healthier.

Chips and salsa, and sun chips are not 'healthy'.
For party snacks vegetables and ranch dip are very popular. You can buy them in a set at your grocery store. Popcorn with no butter flavoring or added butter is good. If it is too plain add some sea salt.
You could try like a make your own california roll kind of thing.
I'm asian and my favorite snack is to make my own little kind of california roll.
You'll need steamed rice, one of your favorite vegetables, a meat (could be chicken if you wanted but usually is crab meat), avocado and egg. Prepare a bunch and slice them up so you can make your mix. You wrap it in dried salted seaweed. Which is what is used for california rolls. Don't worry about how scary and nasty it sounds. You could have make your own sandwich meals. You'll make them and watch your movie. Just a load of wheat bread and toast the amount needed. Get some deli meat like turkey which is very lean. Lowfat mayo and lettuce tomato etc. It's good with avocado too. For the brownie suggestion I have the most suited idea.
I saw this on hungry girl on food network a while back. It's pretty good! So easy to make too.
Good luck. Vegan isn't really 'healthier' it just lacks eggs because vegans don't eat meat or the products of animals.

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Healthy recipes and snacks?


Hi! I'm 15 and I've been feeling insecure about my body at times, and also I am not fond of my current diet. I'd really like to eat healthier so I feel better about myself, but I don't know how and what to buy. I live in Canada so we don't have all the cool healthy food stores like in the US, but my parents buy organic anyways. What foods should I be buying and does anyone know recipes I can make for breakfast, lunches, snacks and drinks? I'm not a big fan of spinach or seafood, so anything but those 2 things I'll probably eat :) I loooove carbs and juices, so if anyone has any good substitutions for white bread and pastas and juices that would be great! Thanks!

First I'd recommend switching from white bread to wheat bread. That save a lot of extra sugar that you don't need and to be completely honest, I think it adds more flavor to toast or a sandwich. Also, switch to wheat pasta. It is not bad at all if cooked correctly. Switching ground beef for ground Turkey may also help lower the fat you're taking in. Buy lots if veggies and fruits. I know you don't like spinach and I don't as well but it is great raw especially on sandwiches, wraps and salads. Another thing you may like is smoothies. Buy all of your favorite fruits, some low-fat milk, yogurt and honey (to substitute for white sugar) and make as many combinations as you want. I currently like peaches & strawberries. Sometimes I'll even add a banana. Chicken is great! It's so versatile! You can do anything with it! Try baking it, grilling it, sautee it. Just don't fry! Get beans and lentils as well. They're great because they have no fat, they're filling and they can be prepared so many ways! And get lots and lots of seasoning! Everything you can find, try it! You want your food to have flavor!

Here's a website with healthy recipes I think you might like:

Good luck!

Healthy, yummy school lunch?


I'm looking for some ideas for lunches that i can pack and bring to school. (i'm in high school)
I'm looking for healthy options that taste good! And also, i'm tired of sandwiches.
We're allowed to use the microwave so it doesn't have to be a cold recipe.
Thank you!!

organic food products are really good for lunches. You could try a lowfat yoplait strawberry bannana although they come in all different flavors i find them the yummiest and healthiest. so something likea yogurt with fruits and vegetables such as (raspberries,blueberries, some celery etc.) if your trying to loose belly fat or weight you probably want to increase your intake in of all sorts of berries cause they help reduce belly fat. so to put together a really healthy lunch you can have a yogurt a nutrigrain bar a poland spring water and maybe even a fruitcup that you made yourself

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Healthy high school lunch???help!?


I'm looking for high school lunches ideas and combo(snacks,water,meals/sandwich ideas). I'm a freshman this year and our school lunches suck. I want to go healthy this year too.)

Bring a sandwich on whole-wheat bread, or a wrap in whole-wheat tortillas. Fill with crisp lettuce, veggies, lean meat. You might need something to stop the bread from getting soggy or add some flavour to the wrap -make sure it's low-fat.
Definitely bring a thermal lunchbox/bag, so that you can bring a wider variety of items without worry that it won't stay cold enough. Try bringing a yogurt-cup (healthy yogurt, not full-fat), some veggies and dip, and some home-baked goods like muffins or banana bread (make sure you use healthy recipes), try wrapping & freezing individually so you can grab one portion to take with you (it'll be thawed by lunch).
You could also bring a tupperware container full of salad, or a cold pasta salad (or if you have access to a microwave, one that's meant to be served hot, just reheat it) with lots of vegetables mixed in, or a thermos full of hearty (but healthy) soup.

Healthy recipes for picky eaters!?


I am getting ready to have gastric bypass (I am a big woman and need the help). My husband and my son (3 years old. Also have a daughter but she is 8 months) are picky eaters. My husband would like to get healthier and we both agree we need to set up our kids need to be taught to be healthy as early as possible. What are some healthy recipes for my picky eaters? No onions, peppers, or mushrooms please.

Oh hell, they don't seem so picky. Just no onion, peppers or mushroom. My kids ate what I put in front of them and liked it all. Just don't let them get away with saying they don't like something until they've at least tried one bite of it. If it really repulses them, then ya know that's out for them.

Grilled Lemon Herbed Chicken, grilled zucchini, garlic toast.
Greek Chicken and Potatoes with Greek Salad
Antipasto Salad and Crostini
Greens with Albacore salad atop.
Fresh sauted Spinach in garlic olive oil with a pinch of nutmeg, sprinkled with fresh lemon juice once cooked. Top with Seared Sea Scallops.
Lentil Soup
Chicken and Rice soup
Dijon, lemon juice and rosemary marinated lean pork chops on the grill, grilled veg kabobs, side salad.
Grilled lean steaks, small baked potatoes, bed of greens with slices of pears, topped with sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, gorgonzola and a homemade raspberry vinaigrette.
Lemon Glazed Ham steak (cut fat out first), potatoes galette, candied brussel sprouts.
Beef, Barley and veg stew with biscuits made with sugar free almond milk.
Deli sandwiches are good. Just use whole grain bread. I never had the opportunity to try white bread until sometime in the 70's when I was a teen. We ate healthy. Daddy was a farmer.
Puerto Rican Pork Stew (so good and full of veg's)
Shish ka bobs with any assortment of meat and veg's, herbed garlic toast.
Pasta, Asparagus and various veg salad with fresh basil, lemon and dijon vinaigrette.
Herbed baked Barrimundi served over spinach salad. Maybe top it with your favorite chimmichurra sauce. There are so many to choose from.
Stir fried vegs and protein of your choice over brown rice or whole wheat pasta.
Egg Drop Soup with Chinese Pea Pods in it. Really good.
Fresh fruit salad with fresh mint. No sugar. Pineapple is quite sweet as it is.

Anyway Hon, there's a lot you can do. Just have to limit the carbs a bit, and try to use olive oil whenever possible. Like when you make garlic toast, use half butter, half olive oil. When you need a bit of oil to toss oven fries or veg's in, use olive oil. Use olive oil to saute vegs, make vinaigrettes. It's GMO free and naturally good for you. I wish you and the family the best. Maybe ya'll could take a short walk with a frisbee after dinner. I can't do a frisbee to save my life, but perhaps you'll be busy chasing it like I would.
Best to ya.

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What are some healthy, delicious sandwich recipes?

Nick Saiz

Please put something healthy and unique, not just Peanut Butter and Jelly.

This is a great sandwich.........

Veggie and Cheese Bagel Sandwich...............

½ of a block Cream Cheese
2 whole (to 3) Green Onions
Red Onion
1 whole Everything Bagel (or Any Kind Of Bagel)
Alfalfa Sprouts.....optional
1 Or 2 Slices Of Muenster Cheese
Slice Of Cheddar Cheese
Lettuce ...I use Romain..your choice...

Place ½ a block of cream cheese on a plate and mash it a bit with a fork. Next.. chop up 2-3 green onions and mix them with the cream cheese until thoroughly combined....
Slice all veggies (tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, red onions) thinly.
Split the bagel. Then toast it. Then let it cool completely. Toasting it gives it the perfect crunch and flavor, and texture Toasting is optional of course....... Spread the cream cheese generously on both sides of the bagel.

Layer the vegetables. First lay the avocados right along the cream cheese to help them stay put. Next the alfalfa sprouts which are optional and then one slice of each kind of cheese. On the other half of the bagel arrange the cucumber slices in a circle. Sprinkle the cucumbers with a pinch of salt if you would like.
Next lay the onion slices on top of the cucumbers, then the tomatoes, followed by a slice of lettuce, and if youâre feeling naughty, another slice of Muenster cheese. LOL

Put the whole thing together and Voila A cool, crisp, and deliciously fabulous Veggie and Cheese Bagel Sandwich.

Enjoy..Its mouth watering...

Healthy Sandwich Recipe, please help!!!!?

Billie Jea

Hey guys, Im on a diet and i go to a school that has no cafeteria which means we have to bring our own food. I usually take to school a turkey sandwhich with mayo, tomatoe and lettuce and white bread and i know it has many calories. I would like to know an easy to make sandwich recipe with not many calories and that is easy to take every where. Thank you.

P.S. Not a very hard to make sanwich, just a VERYYYYY simple sandwich with few calories, and which has fewer calories, brown or white bread? Thank you sooo much :P

First off, sandwiches are a fine food to eat if you're on a diet. They incorporate several food groups and include good nutrition. Whole grain bread is better than white bread - it has more fiber and better nutrients. If you want to cut calories, make a large half sandwich using only one piece of bread, but adding more meat and veggies. Lowfat wraps are also a good way to get lots of protein and veggies in sandwich form without too much bread.

The sandwich you're eating is perfectly healthy. Mayo is an OK condiment if used moderately. It's made with eggs and vegetable oil, and the fat in it helps to keep you full (thus preventing you from overeating and extra snacking later). Don't use more than 2 tbs.

I'm not a big mayo eater, and have lots of things I like to put on sandwich bread instead:
Mustard (try different kinds - Dijon, whole grain, spicy)
Cranberry sauce (great with turkey!)
Avocado (also has fat and calories but is super healthy)
Oil, vinegar and herbs
Salad dressing

You could also think about salads. They're a great meal, and easy to make the night before.

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Healthy Recipes????!!!!!?

Betta Fish

Hello can someone please tell me a healthy meal i could make easily! plz include the recipe and ingredients!

1. Tuna sandwich with light mayo and a slice of cheese, on multigrain bread (even better if the bread is toasted)

2. Pasta salad...multigrain pasta with low calorie italian dressing...add veggies you like (green pepper, cucumber, red pepper, olives, onion, etc). Might not be the healthiest, but the carbs from the pasta will help give you energy.

Check out too - lots of ideas on there.

Healthy Recipes?

Q. I need some healthy low fat recipes for my family on the Fourth of July...but I cant think of any...

Do you have any Ideas?

Red, White & Blue Cream Cake

1 pkg. low fat white cake mix
1 envelope Dream Whip (whipped topping mix)
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 cup cold water
1/2 cup egg whites
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. vanilla
3 ozs. strawberry gelatin powder
1/2 cup boiling water
3 ozs. fat free vanilla pudding
1 1/2 cups skimmed milk
1 1/2 envelopes Dream Whip (prepared 3 cups)
1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries
1 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup miniature marshmallows

1. Preheat oven to 350. Prepare two 13" x 9" pans with cooking spray, set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl combine cake mix, 1 envelope of dry Dream Whip mix and baking powder.
3. In another bowl combine water, egg whites, oil and vanilla.
4. Mix dry ingredients with wet ingredients just to moisten.
5. Pour mixture into prepared pans. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Place aluminum foil on wire racks. Remove both cakes from their pans and cool completely on wire racks.
7. Poke cakes with fork at one-inch intervals. Dissolve gelatin in boiling water and slowly drizzle over both cakes allowing gelatin to seep into holes. Chill for 1 hr.
8. Prepare pudding according to the package directions using 1 1/2 cups of milk. Fold pudding into 1 cup of prepared Dream Whip and 1/2 cup of blueberries.
9. Spread bottom layer with pudding mixture and spread remaining 1/2 cup of prepared Dream Whip on the top layer and the sides of the cake. Arrange strawberries, blueberries and miniature marshmallows on cake to resemble the American Flag. Place some miniature marshmallows around edge of cake.

12 Servings. 335 calories; 7g fat (19% calories from fat); 5g Protein; 61g Carbohydrate; 476mg sodium

Barbecued Sandwiches

4 c turkey light meat, skinless, cooked and cubed
1/2 c white vinegar
1/2 c ketchup
2 tsps Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp black pepper
8 pcs hamburger buns, split and toasted

1. Combine vinegar, ketchup, Worcestershire, salt, and black pepper in a large saucepan. Bring to boil.
2. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes.
3. Stir in turkey and cook five minutes.
4. Spoon hot barbecue mixture over bottom half of toasted buns.
5. Top with other half of toasted buns.

8 servings. 189 Calories; 3g Fat; 21g Protein; 18g Carbohydrate; 48mg Cholesterol; 485mg Sodium

Green Bean Potato Salad

Serves: 8 person(s)

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Cooking Time: 15 mins

Each serving of this healthy salad equals one and a half veggie servings.

1 lb green beans, with ends cut

2 lb red potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces

1 cup diced red bell pepper

1/2 cup chopped red onion

3 cloves garlic, minced

3 Tbsp fresh dill

4 Tbsp balsamic vinegar

3 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp dijon mustard

1 black pepper, to taste

SALAD: Steam green beans in a steamer for 5 to 8 minutes. Cook potatoes in boiling water until tender. Cool green beans and potatoes and place in a bowl.

When cooled, add bell pepper and onion to the cooled green beans and potatoes.

DRESSING: As green beans and potatoes are cooling, prepare the dressing by mixing together garlic, dill, vinegar, olive oil, mustard, and black pepper. Top salad with dressing.

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