Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sandwich recipes (reasonably simple, healthy, and priced)?


I poked around on the internet, but got overwhelmed and put off. Most recipes
1. call for gourmet ingredients only sold at Central Market
2. are unhealthy ("add 1/2c of mayo..."),
3. are complicated ("preheat the oven to 375 while you caramelize the onions...")
or 4. overdo the concept of 'cheap' (pb&j, bologna, etc)

I don't mind some prep work and spending - I just want things to be reasonable, you know? I want something tasty that I can throw together in <30min that won't make me fat, broke, or have a heart condition. Thanks! =)

grilled cheese- but with swiss and green apple slices

toasted turkey and thick bacon with fresh spinach, tomato and red onion

chicken or tuna salad...with spinach or lettuce

roast beef with whatever you like on it...

It's good and inexpensive to experiment with different kinds of mustard, vegetables, breads and meats. I Love alphalpha sprouts on almost anything and ciabatta can make wraps instead, it's easy to find some good flavored tortillas, and if sandwiches are boring you, switch to experimenting with salads for a week or so. Even fruit salad. You can also do a lot with yogurt...

Find a grocery store that has a great selection of vegetables at decent prices, where I am Fred Meyer has the best selection for the best price so I only buy from there. Wal-Mart always has bananas for 28 cents a pound, so I only buy them there....

I'll give you my Very favorite sandwich recipe that I made up and submitted to AllRecipes (I don't think they took that one though...I think there was a similar recipe they already had). It's not exactly what you are looking for, but it's great and you can make the stuff for it in larger quantities if you like it and just keep it in the fridge. The pesto sauce and artichoke/olive stuff can stay good in the fridge about a week.


* 1 package of Hoagie Style rolls
* 1 small jar black olives, sliced
* 2 cans artichokes, drained
* 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
* 3 tbsp olive oil
* sun-dried tomato spread
* 1 package of creamy pesto sauce


1. Prepare creamy pesto sauce according to package directions.
2. In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat.
3. Add drained artichokes and black olives to skillet, stirring often for about 15 minutes, while breaking up artichokes.
4. Pre-heat oven to 350.
5. Add the feta cheese to artichoke and olive mixture, heat an additional 5 minutes or until cheese is melted and mixed in.
6. Split and toast the hoagie rolls in the oven, about 5 minutes.
7. Spread the sun-dried tomato spread on the bottom side of the hoagie roll, layer a generous amount of the artichoke mixture on top of that, drizzle with about 2 tbsp of the creamy pesto sauce on top, add the top piece of the roll, and enjoy!

What are some really healthy meal recipes/ideas?

I like to exercise and cook, but I need some more ideas what I can make through my day: breakfast, lunch or dinner recipe ideas.

wraps are easy and healthy. you can make them for any meal and put whatever you want inside.
there is also grilled chicken with any kind of salad
tuna salad (sandwich or crackers) only use a tiny bit of mayo and squeeze the juice from one lime in it.
any lean meat on the grill is healthy (if it's too cold, broil it), serve with steamed veggies.
chili or vegetable soup (not high up on the healthy list, but not too bad)
fresh fruit, boiled eggs and cheese are good
you could also keep some fresh veggies already cut and cleaned in the fridge to have as snacks with ranch or any other dip

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