Sunday, June 1, 2014

Healthy recipes and snacks?


Hi! I'm 15 and I've been feeling insecure about my body at times, and also I am not fond of my current diet. I'd really like to eat healthier so I feel better about myself, but I don't know how and what to buy. I live in Canada so we don't have all the cool healthy food stores like in the US, but my parents buy organic anyways. What foods should I be buying and does anyone know recipes I can make for breakfast, lunches, snacks and drinks? I'm not a big fan of spinach or seafood, so anything but those 2 things I'll probably eat :) I loooove carbs and juices, so if anyone has any good substitutions for white bread and pastas and juices that would be great! Thanks!

First I'd recommend switching from white bread to wheat bread. That save a lot of extra sugar that you don't need and to be completely honest, I think it adds more flavor to toast or a sandwich. Also, switch to wheat pasta. It is not bad at all if cooked correctly. Switching ground beef for ground Turkey may also help lower the fat you're taking in. Buy lots if veggies and fruits. I know you don't like spinach and I don't as well but it is great raw especially on sandwiches, wraps and salads. Another thing you may like is smoothies. Buy all of your favorite fruits, some low-fat milk, yogurt and honey (to substitute for white sugar) and make as many combinations as you want. I currently like peaches & strawberries. Sometimes I'll even add a banana. Chicken is great! It's so versatile! You can do anything with it! Try baking it, grilling it, sautee it. Just don't fry! Get beans and lentils as well. They're great because they have no fat, they're filling and they can be prepared so many ways! And get lots and lots of seasoning! Everything you can find, try it! You want your food to have flavor!

Here's a website with healthy recipes I think you might like:

Good luck!

Healthy, yummy school lunch?


I'm looking for some ideas for lunches that i can pack and bring to school. (i'm in high school)
I'm looking for healthy options that taste good! And also, i'm tired of sandwiches.
We're allowed to use the microwave so it doesn't have to be a cold recipe.
Thank you!!

organic food products are really good for lunches. You could try a lowfat yoplait strawberry bannana although they come in all different flavors i find them the yummiest and healthiest. so something likea yogurt with fruits and vegetables such as (raspberries,blueberries, some celery etc.) if your trying to loose belly fat or weight you probably want to increase your intake in of all sorts of berries cause they help reduce belly fat. so to put together a really healthy lunch you can have a yogurt a nutrigrain bar a poland spring water and maybe even a fruitcup that you made yourself

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